Why public schoolboys like me and Boris Johnson aren’t fit to run our country | Private schools | The Guardian

Our elite schools foster emotional austerity and fierce clique loyalty. Here a privately educated writer of the prime minister’s generation reveals the lasting damage public schools do

A longish read about why Prime Minister Boris Johnson and many in his cabinet are psychologically damaged "sad little men", and how they got that way under the public school system. A couple of things for non-Brits to note:
1) "Public school" in the UK actually means "private school". Actual public schools are referred to as "state schools".
2) Boris Johnson's first name is actually Alexander.
3) Yes, it's messed up. Britain is messed up. Our leaders are messed up.

#UK #politics #Tory #Conservative #BorisJohnson #PrimeMinister #psychology #SadLittleMan


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