

Gee, look what I was doing (as a student) a mere 45 years ago.

It's true: "You can find anything online"

We looked at Rupert Murdoch's Post (Full page screaming headlines) vs. the NY Times' treatment (bold headline with facts),
and how the 'fake news' &/or emotive slant impacted viewers' perceptions (or not). This was - #ContextAndPerspective - in New York City in an era when people read newspapers, and they were on every corner in #newstands, just a notch forward in timeline from the days of "Extra! Extra! Read all about i!". Papers at newsstands and grocery check-out cash registers, were ubiquitous, and impactful.

And, in our opinion - myself and future social psychologist Pete Dan - there was a clear, empirically demonstrable difference between tabloid headlines (in this case the Post's screaming headline "Nuke Cloud Spreading" vs the NY Times headline about a hairline fracture at the 3-Mile-Island Nuclear plant, near NYC.

O-Bla-Di, O-bla da. Happy Weekend!

#media #headlines #FakeNews #Propaganda #Truth #disinformation #psychology


Ask social psychologist Phil Zimbardo about "bad apples" versus "bad barrels & barrel-makers".
IMM, Laurence O'Donnell is the embodiment of integrity, plus quite a good fit with the seeking of "context and perspective".
Even good barrels will occasionally produce bad apples, but bad barrels plus bad barrel-makers is what tips the scales toward evil.

If there are islands of responsible journalism that can speak truth to power, and ;even to apparent corruption of 'purity' in one's own ecosystem, I'm happy to see it and celebrate it. I'm thinking O'Donnell, Stephanie ("Let's get smarter" Ruhl), Wagner (who described #Muskvirus as a "free speech absolutist"), and others whose shifts I don't often see .... play on! Continue offering refuges of #truth.

MSNBC dissociates from NBC's hire of #GQP ex-Romney

#propagqnda #journalism #truth #MSNBC #LawrenceODonnell #RomneyMcDaniel #TrumpVirus #gaslighting #psychology


Fairly good advice. You have to accept the world is the way it is, but you also have to accept it can be changed. There isn't a paradox here, just a question of timescales : it's like this today for sure, unavoidably, and trying to fighting existing reality, trying permanently to effect immediate change (especially on a single issue) is mentally toxic. This is why I'm extremely wary of those whose "social" media threads are nothing but permanent activism. But you don't have to accept that everything is written in stone because it certainly isn't : it might well not be like this tomorrow. Cultural change is itself permanent. To maintain a genuine sense of the outrage necessary to effect change requires periodically stepping back, remembering the positives as well as the negatives, and not becoming habituated to routine evil.

Incidentally, I started reading Ordinary Men, the book behind the Netflix documentary. The documentary is excellent but the book is something else, horror beyond horror. I simply can't read it in long stretches, it makes me viscerally angry.




"Attention deficits linked with proclivity to explore while foraging".

"Our findings suggest that ADHD attributes may confer foraging advantages in some environments and invite the possibility that this condition may reflect an adaptation favouring exploration over exploitation."

I first encountered the "exploration over exploitation" in the context of reinforcement learning in computer science. The basic idea is, should you go to your favorite restaurant, or a restaurant you've never been to before? If you're in a new city where you've been to few restaurants, you should probably go to a new one. If you're in a city where you've lived for 10 years, and have been to most restaurants, maybe just go to the favorite. Where is the crossover point in between? You get the idea. Do you "exploit" the knowledge you have already, or do you "explore" to obtain more knowledge?

For the simplest cases, mathematicians have come up with formulas, and for complex cases, computer scientists have run simulations. In reinforcement learning, algorithms often have a tunable "hyperparameter" that can be used to increase the "exploration". Some problems require more "exploration" than others.

It appears the process of evolution may have evolved a variety of personalities to prioritize "exploration" or "exploitation".

Attention deficits linked with proclivity to explore while foraging

#discoveries #psychology #evolution


One of many ways the existing power structure maintains control

text of image: Very young black girl holding hands with White Jesus. She asks Jesus why are you white? Jesus answers “Because I’m a psychological tool. By creating the image of a white God, this subliminally engrains the myth of white superiority into the subconscious minds.”

#white #Jesus #psychology #tool #supremacy #racism #hierarchy


Meanwhile, in the world of formal and informal thought disorder...

Lord #TrumpVirus the stable genius, with all the best words (and they rhyme!)

INTERPOSE- His Word of the Day to explain how he intentionally 'interposed' the 2 names, Pelosi & Haley plus Obama & Biden. (continuously confusing them) ~ Because they're all the same, "Tricky Nikki, Tricky Dicky"...

#psychopathology / #psych #psychology #psychiatry Word of the Day: #Clang


Why you can't compare children to each other.

1.Comparisons cause feelings of inferiority. "I am inferior", "My sister/brother is loved more by my parents", "I will never be as successful".

2.Comparisons create jealousy, and jealousy destroys relationships between children.

3.Comparisons create a situation of unhealthy competition. Children should not compete with each other for superiority in the eyes of their parents. On the contrary, children should be "players on the same team", i.e. support each other.

4.Comparisons create resentment and anger towards parents. Thus, parents, without realizing it, destroy their relationship with their children.

Source: https://www.b17.ru/article/315824/


Playing with an AI/Chat character.... Topic of #TrumpVirus cultists still believers and falling for his grift.
I am the "guest", inquiring of a popular AI character calling itself "Psychologist"

Last bit of weekend fun. But would love to see any of the answer come to pass, with 2 of 3 options showing hope an evil cult leader will be rejected or rebelled against (Lord of the Flies style?) Although, with the #GQP / #MAGAt #cult it's a challenge, given the media bubble continuing to validate his veracity, and the massive 'peer pressure' to tune out all the cognitive dissonance (AKA #truth).

#AI #psychology


Lets play a game.

The premise is this:
I am going to pick three numbers out of all the numbers in the universe by using a secret rule. Your task is to figure out the rule I am using.

I'll do this as a thread by using the comment section to continue the clues (don't read the last one for the answer until you've given it a try).


2 - 4 - 6

#Quiz #Game #Question #Psychology #ConfirmationBias