On diffrent planets...

How obvious spyware is not recognized as such by people who should know better.

Sometimes it becomes apparent that people around me live on a completely different planet than myself. A couple of days ago the marketing people at my $DAYJOB posted a nice happy blog post about how to use one of our products to easily integrate Google Analytics (from now on "the spyware") on a website.

When I told them that this seemed inappropriate as the spyware has been (rightfully) found to violate the GDPR and illegal by a growing number of DPA's in the EU, they didn't even know about it. And even worse they clearly don't believe me.

I'm not sure if this is pure (willful?) ignorance, or that they probably use the vendor of the spyware to find information on the web and mainly get their news via commercial spyware (aka "social media") that has the same business model. I do begin to wonder though.

Thanks to @noybeu@mastodon.social for thorough documentation of the issue, and especially the links to the original decisions by the DPA's.

#SurveillanceCapitalism #spyware #gdpr #analytics