

"...and the only battle is not even that hard. just stop giving them your identity."



"just imagine what they know"

639,849 views 28 Aug 2022 David Bombal Podcasts
The machines are already tracking and watching you. And they're influencing you. The future looks bleak. Do you really want to live in a Skynet world?

I interview Rob Braxman - the Internet Privacy Guy. He's a public interest hacker and technologist. He uses his extensive knowledge of cybersecurity and tech to serve the public good. He cares about privacy. He warns you of digital manipulation, disinformation, mass surveillance.

#interesting #curious #listen #and #understand
#awareness #thisisnotjustaboutyou #everyoneafteryou #now
#facethehorror #weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis
#singularity #artificialwisdom #areyoudegoogled? #skynet
#bigbrother #bigbank #bigbarron #bigbully #bigbot
#america #australia #uk #nz #canada = #5eyes
#google #apple #facebook #amazon #microsoft = #GAFAM
#stalinsdream #phonesspy #thephoneshaveears #privacy
#whyobeycrooks #dontobeycrooks #stopobeyingcrooks
#whowatchesthewatchers #cancerspyware

#nocancerspyware #idontcarrypsycho

#doyoucarrythepsychopath? #thecorporation
mass surveillance is fundamentally incompatible
with basic human rights and democracy. ... phone listening.

Listen! And understand...
That terminator is out there.
It cant be bargained with.
It cant be reasoned with.
It does not feel pity, remorse, or fear.
And it absolutely will not stop,
until you are dead.

-- Kyle Reese to Sarah Conor, warning from the future to stop it in the now. Terminator 1984

It is everybody's responsibility to poke big brother in the eye.

This video, interviewing Rob Braxman - the Internet Privacy Guy, discusses some of the situation, the reason, and the methods.


#webbrowser #websearch #fingerprinting #profiling #privatebrowsing
#analytics #tracking
#startpage #duckduckgo #bravesearch

#youcannotcomplyyourwayoutoftyranny #youcannotcomplyyourwayoutoftotalitarianism

#makebettermedicine #makingbettermedicine

this is not just about you, everyone after you, now.


feels good, every little move mendwards.


#iPhone Apps Secretly Harvest Data When They Send You Notifications, Researchers Find

source: https://gizmodo.com/iphone-apps-can-harvest-data-from-notifications-1851194537

Users sometimes close apps to stop them from collecting data in the background, but this technique gets around that #protection. The data is unnecessary for processing notifications, the researchers said, and seems related to #analytics, #advertising, and #tracking users across different apps and devices. Some of the companies involved said these findings are inaccurate.

#surveillance #privacy #software #problem #news #security #apple #economy #internet #mobile


Take Back Your Privacy and/or save money on licensing fees.


Switching.Software's Guide to a Better You.
#Ethical, easy-to-use and #privacy conscious alternatives to well-known software.

This How-To Guide is a...
How To Switch From #google, #microsoft, #facebook, #amazon, #adobe, etc

If you are #graphics #artist, #multimedia guru, average user of #email, instant messaging #IM, #socialmedia, word processors, spreadsheets, production of #music #videos, post #production, #nonprofit, changemaker, #business owner, #entrepreneur. Do you enjoy paying licensing fees to big #telemetry corps? Save your #money. Check https://switching.software to cover your needs.

#foss, zero #ads, zero #tracking, zero #data #surveillance #software for all types of uses, spaces industries. Enjoy #opensource software today. You and/or your business will be glad you did.


#community #cloud #storage #collaboration #illustration #videoediting #streaming #gaming #mobile #phone #photos #VoIP #analytics #desktoppublishing #vectorgraphics #events #imaging #fediverse #mastodon #twitter #friendica #diaspora #hubzilla #Canada #usa #EU #Commonwealth


On diffrent planets...

How obvious spyware is not recognized as such by people who should know better.

Sometimes it becomes apparent that people around me live on a completely different planet than myself. A couple of days ago the marketing people at my $DAYJOB posted a nice happy blog post about how to use one of our products to easily integrate Google Analytics (from now on "the spyware") on a website.

When I told them that this seemed inappropriate as the spyware has been (rightfully) found to violate the GDPR and illegal by a growing number of DPA's in the EU, they didn't even know about it. And even worse they clearly don't believe me.

I'm not sure if this is pure (willful?) ignorance, or that they probably use the vendor of the spyware to find information on the web and mainly get their news via commercial spyware (aka "social media") that has the same business model. I do begin to wonder though.

Thanks to @noybeu@mastodon.social for thorough documentation of the issue, and especially the links to the original decisions by the DPA's.

#SurveillanceCapitalism #spyware #gdpr #analytics


"They found the analytics control and other privacy settings had no obvious effect on Apple’s data collection—the tracking remained the same whether iPhone Analytics was switched on or off.

“The level of detail is shocking for a company like Apple,” Mysk told Gizmodo."


"An independent test suggests Apple collects data about you and your phone when its own settings promise to “disable the sharing of Device Analytics altogether.”"

New Research Says

Apple Is Tracking You Even When Its Own Privacy Settings Say It’s Not

"For all of Apple’s talk about how private your iPhone is, the company vacuums up a lot of data about you. iPhones do have a privacy setting that is supposed to turn off that tracking. According to a new report by independent researchers, though, Apple collects extremely detailed information on you with its own apps even when you turn off tracking, an apparent direct contradiction of Apple’s own description of how the privacy protection works."


#tracking #apple #iphone #surveillance #prism #linux #bsd #gnulinux #safari #gizmodo #security #hackernews #analytics #privacy #computer #smartphones #phones #phone #spying #backdoor


Best Free and Open Source Alternatives to IBM SPSS Modeler

IBM SPSS Modeler is a data mining and text analytics software application. The program is used to build predictive models and conduct other analytic tasks. While SPSS Modeler is available for Linux, it’s proprietary software. What are the best free and open source alternatives?

The article covers: RapidMiner, Orange and KNIME.

See https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-alternatives-ibm-spss-modeler/

#technology #datamining #alternativesto #opensource #analytics
#Blog, ##alternativeto, ##analytics, ##datamining, ##opensource, ##technology


Question #Matomo et #CNIL

Jusqu'à l'automne dernier, Matomo faisait parti des trois seules solutions recommandées par la CNIL pour la mesure d'audience (cf. https://web.archive.org/web/20200831190730/https://www.cnil.fr/fr/solutions-pour-les-cookies-de-mesure-daudience). Depuis, Matomo a été retiré de la liste (cf. https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-solutions-pour-les-outils-de-mesure-daudience).

Quelqu'un peut expliquer pourquoi ? (J'ai bien des hypothèses en mode théorie du complot, mais c'est certainement beaucoup plus simple en réalité 😅)

#analytics #statistiques #web #rgpd #logiciellibre


Healthcare Predictive Analytics Market | Competitive Analysis by Key Vendors, Growth

Market Highlights This owes to the growth of federal healthcare regulations that curb the rising healthcare costs; rising government initiatives focusing on personalized medicine, growing EHR adoption; and population health management. It is estimated that the global healthcare predictive analytics ...

Read more Healthcare Predictive Analytics Market | Competitive Analysis by Key Vendors, Growth



Commercial Pharmaceutical Analytics Market Insights, Share, Trends, Future Scope Analysis

Global Commercial Pharmaceutical Analytics Market - Overview Analytics is basically a tool for the mining of huge amount of scattered data, processing the data in order to align it into a useful information. This processed data can then ...

Read more Commercial Pharmaceutical Analytics Market Insights, Share, Trends, Future Scope Analysis



Commercial Pharmaceutical Analytics Market Insights, Share, Trends, Future Scope Analysis

Global Commercial Pharmaceutical Analytics Market - Overview Analytics is basically a tool for the mining of huge amount of scattered data, processing the data in order to align it into a useful information. This processed data can then ...

Read more Commercial Pharmaceutical Analytics Market Insights, Share, Trends, Future Scope Analysis



Clinical Data Analytics Market Demands and Growth Predication 2017-2023

Market Highlights The market for clinical data analytics is segmented into four major regions. As per Market Research Future Analysis, North America accounts for major market share in the clinical data analytics in the healthcare sectors, with major countries being ...

Read more Clinical Data Analytics Market Demands and Growth Predication 2017-2023



Why an ad blocker and other privacy tools for your browser are essential

I did it in 46 lines, and isn't perfect, but the idea behind it is scary. With the javascript code below, after any webpage with this right above the </body> tag, I can track anyone on the website's clicks.

document.body.setAttribute("onmousedown", "whichElement(event)");
function whichElement(e) {
  var targ;
  if (!e) {
    var e = window.event;
  if (e.target) {
  } else if (e.srcElement) {
  var tname;
  tname = targ.tagName;
  var aan;
  aan = tname.toLowerCase().substring(0, 1);
  var vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u'];
  if(vowels.includes(aan)){aan = 'an';} else {aan = 'a';}
  var tvalue;
    tvalue = targ.src;
    console.log('You clicked on ' + aan + ' ' + tname + ' element: "' + tvalue + '".');
    sendTrackInfo('UserClick', tname, tvalue);
  } else if(tname!=="INPUT"&&tname!=="DIV"){
    tvalue = targ.innerText;
    if(!tvalue){tvalue = targ.title;}
    if(!tvalue){tvalue = "Unknown";}
    console.log('You clicked on ' + aan + ' ' + tname + ' element: "' + tvalue + '".');
    sendTrackInfo('UserClick', tname, tvalue);
  } else {
    console.log("You clicked on " + aan + " " + tname + " element.");
    sendTrackInfo('UserClick', tname, 'Login Form');
function sendTrackInfo(action, name, value){
  _paq.push(['trackEvent', action, name, value]);
function sendUserInfo(){
  var username = "Unknown";
  if(document.getElementById("username") !== "undefined"){username = document.getElementById("username").textContent;}
  if(ncuser != "Unknown"){
    _paq.push(["setCustomVariable", 1, "User", username, "visit"]);

Necessary tools

  • uBlock Origin - "NOT an 'ad blocker': it is a wide-spectrum blocker -- which happens to be able to function as a mere 'ad blocker'. The default behavior of uBlock Origin when newly installed is to block ads, trackers and malware sites -- through EasyList, EasyPrivacy, Peter Lowe’s ad/tracking/malware servers, various lists of malware sites, and uBlock Origin's own filter lists."
  • HTTPS Everywhere - "a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure."
  • Privacy Badger - "automatically learns to block invisible trackers."

Optional tools

  • NoScript - turn off javascript completely or only allow the most trusted javascript sources.

#matomo #google #amazon #analytics #javascript #web #website #webdesign #adblock #ublock #ublockorigin #eff #privacy #privacybadger #extension #extensions