Is Low-Level Radiation Good For Us? Interview with Dr. Chris Thome

#environment #health #radioactivity

MH: The idea would be that organisms, including humans, are constantly awash in natural background radiation and have evolved in low levels of ionizing radiation. Therefore, it may actually be imperative for life – and the absence of that radiation may be detrimental to health.

CT: Exactly. Getting a little bit more into into why we hypothesized that, we're thinking that the little bit of damage you get from natural background radiation – it's small in comparison to a lot of other types of stressors that we're exposed to – but that little bit of damage keeps things functioning properly. It keeps your things like DNA repair and antioxidant processes active. If you remove it, you might now start to shut down some of these natural processes. And in doing so, now you’re making yourself more susceptible to damage.Basically, by removing that background radiation, we might actually be suppressing some of these beneficial natural processes.


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