The #Pluto in #Sagittarius #Generation
By Sol Jonassen
© Sol Jonassen - Timelords Magazine, 2023 / 20.11.2023

Pluto entered Sagittarius for the first time in 233 years on 17th of January 1995 as Uranus and Neptune hung out in late Capricorn. Later on that year it dipped back to Scorpio to finish up some old business, and just after re-entering Sagittarius, Uranus entered Aquarius in January 1996. Neptune followed suit in January 1998. And that was when the future officially was here! The seeds of a new humanity were born, entering little by little in the form of walking, talking souls whose biggest fear seems to be losing their phones. Now, when they are taking over the world, we can see the outlines of what’s to come as we get to know a generation that embodies the Sagittarian archetype at the very core of their being.

Sagittarius is known for being bombastic and opinionated, and this generation grew up in an increasingly polarized world, getting updated instantly and constantly through their phones, catapulting them into a world of debates and disagreements.

It could fit their constant search for knowledge and hunt for stimulation as they are looking for something deeper than what their immediate environment can offer. At the core of the Sagittarius heart lies the Quest for Truth. That sounds really nice and honourable, but the trouble begins when truth becomes subjective and coloured, and not relative, unifying, or all-encompassing. The seasoned astrologer knows how incredibly convincing any Sagittarius can be, and somewhat annoyingly so, especially for those who understand that there are other perspectives that are valuable as well. And herein lies the challenge as this generation is probably going to fight about everything from genders to politics. It has already begun.
Welcome to the world of Sagittarius. Strong opinions can easily become truth and fundamentalism in one way or another lurks behind every corner. And even though the Sagittarian souls are looking for wisdom, a lot of them will only listen to what they want to listen to. Selective hearing is one of the major features of Sagittarius, one that makes them filter out that which fits their underlying search for truth. It is amazing what you find when you just want to. The dark side of Sagittarius is cherry picking and selective hearing, but the marvellous side of it is intuition. In this generation we will see all of it to an extreme degree. Sagittarius energy is big, have no doubt about that. From the most fabulous mature visionaries and intuitives, wardens of ancient wisdom and teachers of mankind to the radicalized angry and materialistically greedy social media moguls that only want what they want and when they want it. What unifies them on the spectrum of Sagittarius is that they will be loud. And they will go big!
What the future holds we do not know. But what we do know is that this generation is coming of age in a world where housing prices are soaring, inflation looms everywhere and where survival of the fittest have turned into a lucrative biohacking mindset. Of course, they want to be billionaires. They want to travel. They are hungry to find the real meaning in life as the Sagittarius impulse moves them towards freedom and they are not willing to settle. Life must be meaningful and one way to find its true meaning is to have an opportunity to free themselves from the hamster wheel of society"...

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