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A #mini-planet orbiting in the frigid #outer reaches of the #solarsystem has a #Saturn-like #ring of #dust and #debris that #defies the rules of #physics, a new study has #revealed.

The planet in question is called #Quaoar and it's the #seventh largest of the known #dwarf #planets of which #Pluto is the #king. #Discovered in #2002 and about 697 miles wide (1,121 kilometers), Quaoar is one of the so-called #trans-Neptunian objects, small planets orbiting #beyond the solar system's outermost planet #Neptune.

Residing in the #KuiperBelt, the doughnut-shaped ring of rocky and icy debris in the outer solar system, Quaoar is a proud owner of its own #moon, the 100-mile-wide (160 km) #Weywot. And a recent observation campaign revealed that it also has a ring of material in its orbit.

That by itself wouldn't be so special. The gas giant Saturn is known to possess a whole series of rings. #Jupiter, Neptune and #Uranus also have some. One other trans-Neptunian object — #Haumea — has been found to have a ring, and the space rock #Chariklo that orbits between #Saturn and #Uranus also has one. So what exactly sets Quaoar's ring apart?

Related: Dwarf planets: science & facts about the solar system’s smaller worlds

Quaoar's ring is at a very unusual #distance from its parent body. In fact, before astronomers discovered Quaoar's ring in observations from several telescopes conducted between 2018 and 2021, they had thought that it was impossible for a ring to exist at such a distance. With a radius of about 2,420 miles (3,885 km) from Quaoar's center, the ring is too far away from the dwarf planet that its gravity should no longer be able to keep the material dispersed. Instead, it should coalesce under its own gravity and form another moon, just like Weywot. By not having done that, the ring has breached what astronomers call the Roche limit, the first known ring around a #celestial body to have done so.

"What is so intriguing about this discovery around Quaoar is that the ring of material is much farther out than the Roche limit," Giovanni Bruno, an astronomer at Italy's National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and one of the authors of the paper, said in a European #Space Agency (ESA) statement. "As a result of our observations, the classical notion that dense rings survive only inside the Roche limit of a planetary body must be thoroughly revised."

The ring was discovered during a series of occultations, essentially eclipses, when Quaoar passed between Earth and several more distant but much brighter stars. When an occultation occurs, the light of the background star temporarily dims. The effect is only visible to very sensitive telescopes and is frequently used to detect exoplanets orbiting stars in our Milky Way galaxy, which is why ESA's exoplanet hunter Cheops was among the telescopes watching these Quaoar occultations.

When astronomers analyzed the data, they realized that apart from the main dip in the background stars' brightness, they could detect two smaller drops. Since drops occurred before and after the main occultation, respectively, the researchers thought that Quaoar must be surrounded with a ring.

Several Earth-based telescopes also observed the occultations with similar results, but Cheops' data were particularly valuable as they proved that the odd dimmings were not caused by the effects of Earth's atmosphere.



Cat Ivins

..."Right now - #Saturn is in #Pisces. He was in Pisces when Pluto went into Aquarius for his first pass last spring and he will be in Pisces when #Pluto makes his final move into Aquarius next fall.

Saturn isn't uber strong in Pisces.

The lack of boundaries. The drifting off purpose. The weak authority. There is a reason Saturn rules both a cardinal and a fixed sign and an earth and an air sign, but not a mutable or a water sign. And Pisces is mutable water.

We will keep in mind that Pluto will be in Aquarius for 20 years and Saturn will ONLY be in Pisces for about another year, but Saturn is in Pisces as Pluto has moved into Aquarius, ALL THREE TIMES. This is important. This matters/means something. Saturn in Pisces is answering to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune rules Pisces and IS strong. So, there is nowhere else for Saturn to go (for example if Saturn was in Pisces and Neptune was in Aries, Saturn would still be answering to Neptune, but Arian energy ie Mars would be pulled into the mix, because Neptune would be in Aries).

Saturn in Pisces is IN Pisces with Neptune. Mutable water. No where else to go.

(look at the example of both Biden and Trump's progressed Suns in the 12th house now - the 12th house, Pisces natural house, ruling things like prisons and hospitals and maybe being up a creek without a paddle - AND the United States progressed Sun is in Pisces with the progressed Moon applying to a conjunction and Uranus on the top of the chart!)

So, what does this mean to Pluto/to us? Pisces may not give us a strong backbone - but, maybe that's because we don't need a strong backbone right now, maybe a strong backbone would be counterproductive for Pluto in Aquarius right now - but PISCES CAN STILL, AND DOES, HAVE OUR BACK. Collectively we would get our strength/our stability through Pisces energy.

Prayer. Music. Spirituality. Art. Compassion. Water/the ocean. Our ancestors/past lives. AND, because all this is complicated, we might be more or less comfortable with shows of vulnerability or weakness. More or less comfortable - depending on our natal Saturn - with anything that feels too woo-woo/out there."...



Julie Demboski's #ASTROLOGY ~ Addressing the Individual Experience Within the Universal Truth

With #Pluto in #Aquarius the perceptual challenges center on both Higher Mind and the thinking around the frameworks we use to elaborate on and explain various life areas, what we might label the impersonal academics of What Is. One of the Aquarian keywords is ‘Understanding’, so that this period may usher in breakdowns in our ideas around methods of destruction, transformation, and renewal, may completely re-formulate our ideas around the sciences, as well as sparking new, innovative approaches to ‘old’ problems, especially ones like climate change and ‘progress’ in tech and AI that once appeared to seriously threaten our own obliteration.

Big effects for individuals emerge with Pluto contacts to the natal planets and points, so will be felt, though the sweeping changes the lord of the Underworld brings with changes in sign are more an experience of societies as a whole, rather than as personal ones for each of us. That said, we can’t help but be affected by what goes on in the wider world, and of course, when we do experience Pluto on an individual level it feels like the most personal of experiences, which are almost guaranteed to emphasize our own powerlessness in the face of the inevitable: aging and death, entropy, permanent loss, transformation, rebirth–in short, the Truth of the Universe. The thing about a Pluto transit to a natal placement, especially to the personal planets and points like the Ascendant, is that it changes us in large and permanent ways that feel like they’re happening only to us. During a Plutonian experience the best thing we can do is take a step back and acknowledge the Universality of the experience, beyond our own personal loss or trauma.

The Full Moon perfects on the 25th just before 9:54 AM PST at 5 Leo 14, with both Earth and Moon recently opposing Pluto, newly arrived in Aquarius. A Full Moon in Leo puts emotional focus on the Self, on something discovered or coming to light about ourselves that we didn’t know before. In this case, the conclusions reached can’t be separated from the effects of Pluto contact; that is, the change, transformation, elimination, or destruction wrought by Pluto is now processed by us emotionally. We see what that change really means to us, with the nature of the change or loss related in some way either to matters of the House(s) that hold Capricorn (most likely), Aquarius (less likely), Scorpio (possibly), and/ or the House where natal Pluto is located (this most likely if transiting Pluto or another body is currently aspecting it).
Is anything really hidden from us? I don’t believe it is, if we have the courage to genuinely look at what’s before us. It’s true of the world, and it’s true in our relationships. With the Leo Full Moon, what’s on offer is emotional revelation about ourselves. Don’t be afraid of what you’ll see–it’s truly for the best."...



Cat Ivins

..."What will Plutonian INTENSITY, a natural square to Aquarius intelligence and detachment, bring?

Will what seemed so close to being 'power to the people' when Pluto met up with Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius) in the 1960's, be more about "a tech plutocracy/rulership", littered with "trust the science" inspired by whatever events it takes for us to conform our collective consciousness into a giant cohesive "greater good" style machine?

Or, is there another way, a better way, a more human way, for us to evolve into more collective individuals?

We are not so much evolving as co-evolving. But thousands of years under the umbrella of 'patriarchy', which is NOT about old white men by the way, has left us susceptible to not knowing what REALLY supports and nourishes us.

There is something about this Sun-blinding Cappy-close-out (who says Pluto doesn't have style?) that is screaming at us to LOOK DEEPER.

Aquarius will ask us to put aside our old familiar ways of thinking and relating and doing things and using/building/holding onto structure. And since the transit of URANUS INTO GEMINI IS COMING/breathing down our necks and Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius and Uranus will be the last chess player to move onto the board before the new game begins AND will trine Pluto in Aquarius, while co-ruling him, FIVE times between 2026 and 2028 -

it will be important to ask questions in ways that we can be surprised by the answers.

A person during the American, French or Industrial Revolutions, living on planet Earth the last time Pluto entered Aquarius, could have had no idea of what was ahead for them and we don't either."...



#Pluto Enters #Aquarius
#Astrology By Lauren

..."Because Pluto resides at the very distant outer fringes of our solar system its movements are glacial, and its effects transformative, both on society as a whole, as well as in our own individual lives. And when it changes signs, which it does infrequently, we can feel the sea change, as well as experience the growing pains that comes with it.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 thru 1798. We were in the throes of the American Revolution, soon followed by the French revolution, which was then followed by its reign of terror. Pluto is dramatic in its effects, and revolutionary. Not only politically but economically and socially. The very motto derived from the French Revolution succinctly defines the Aquarian ideals of Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood.

We are entering another Pluto in Aquarius era, and there simply is no avoiding it. And as Pluto leaves the last vestiges of the Capricorn era, there will be those who will resist the transition. It could seem to some as if their whole lives, everything that they built up, everything that they believed in is being subject to change and even destruction. There will be those who out of desperation will try to hold on, refusing to step down and make way for the new paradigm. But they must.

Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. ~ King Whitney Jr.

For a good part of the year ahead, Saturn will semi-square Pluto symbolizing this resistance. But we have no choice. Society as a whole will continue to evolve despite themselves. And the stark reality of an evolving society can no longer be resisted in the end. It simply must be.

Pluto in Aquarius has this capacity to transform, and even revolutionize the world in remarkable ways. And it has the capacity to do so in our own individual lives as well. "...



The Jupiter/Saturn Road Map 2024
#Astrology By Lauren

Know also that change is not always welcome. And know that even after November, when #Pluto is fully seated in the sign of #Aquarius, the old guard from the Pluto in #Capricorn era will still be holding on. But only barely.

Old habits die hard. Old regimes continue to vie for control Vestiges from bygone eras will continue to try to insinuate themselves into our lives, as they long for a past that we have long since outgrown. There can be fear with change: Fear of becoming irrelevant; Fear that all that we had worked so hard to create is subject to destruction; perhaps even fear of destruction of all that we knew. And so we desperately cling to what once was, and what we were familiar with.

And as we stand here at the very last degree of Capricorn, we stand on this threshold between one era and the next. And it can feel a little scary. And it can be hard to let go. Pluto can be a metaphor for death and destruction. But it is also a symbol for birth and renewal.

Over the past 15 years, what valuable lessons have I learned? What achievements have I contributed to? What have I helped to build?

What are we still holding on to that we no longer need, and is only holding us back, and preventing us from growing?

What traditions or outmoded ideas are no longer relevant to us as a whole?

What are those things in society that are no longer sustainable?

What are the traditions and customs that are worth saving, and help to further support and define our values?

How can I best share what I have learned with others? Or make it more meaningful?

On January 20th both the Sun and Pluto will enter Aquarius.



Cat Ivins

..."This is our first #NewMoon in #Capricorn with #Saturn in $Pisces since 1996. This is our last New Moon in Capricorn with #Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetime. Saturn and Pisces are not naturally compatible. Saturn is all about structure and limits and discipline and achievement and remember Saturn has been in the sign of his ancient rulership (Aquarius) and the sign of his rulership (Capricorn) for several years before this. We had gotten accustomed to being STRONG and to HAVING to be strong. Saturn in Pisces answering to #Neptune is not so strong and the good news for us is we don't have to be either! As Saturn in Pisces dissolves limits and rules and structures we have grown used to - this may not be comfortable. Time melts. Reality is an illusion. Reality is malleable. We might be less ambitious. Maybe with Saturn in Pisces we are building things that are not quite so 'real', not quite so lasting, but also maybe not quite so rigid.

2024 will be a year when we start the process of stopping trying to apply old solutions to problems that can't be solved through our ENGAGEMENT with the struggle. Cappy New Moons are not about fast action (although the trine to Uranus will create a smooth portal for fast change if its needed) so much as it is about allowing ourselves to PATIENTLY grow into a new situation. With Pluto changing signs on the 20th, we all need to be prepared for things to move more quickly and in a new direction.

Saturn, the ruler of this lunation, is well-aspected through sextiles with Mars and Jupiter. Although his placement in Pisces and Mercury's square to Neptune in Pisces plus Pluto at the very end of Cappy AGAIN will likely speak of some Capricorn exhaustion here. That's OK. Being tired of the same old thing makes that trine with Uranus - the something new - even more appealing!

Venus and Jupiter are in mutual reception. The benefics having access to their home signs through each other is a good sign at this New Moon. "...



#Pluto in #Capricorn – Extreme Consolidation Of #Power
January 5, 2024 Elsa

..."Pluto will wrap up in Capricorn, November 2024. ...

Early on, I realized it was about consolidation. Getting your crap (Pluto) together? Compacted? I quickly saw this to be true on every level.
When we hit the pandemic years, mom and pop businesses were made to close, while corporate-owned stores and restaurants made bank. At the same time, independent websites (like this one), were excluded from “search”, to send people to large corporate owned platforms – more consolidation.

AI is another form of this. Information gathered over 25 years of so, from countless individual (like me), who typed their knowledge into the machine, is now consolidated into some soulless answer to a query.

We will now see ten jobs rolled into one and eventually, one hundred jobs rolled into one. I can’t even think beyond that.

We’ve also got the bulk of wealth in the stock market concentrated in seven stocks. Is this not consolidation?
I also think “power” has also been consolidating, surreptitiously, throughout this period. It’s there to see but there are too many distractions and people are also pretty overwhelmed at this point."...



The #Pluto in #Sagittarius #Generation
By Sol Jonassen
© Sol Jonassen - Timelords Magazine, 2023 / 20.11.2023

Pluto entered Sagittarius for the first time in 233 years on 17th of January 1995 as Uranus and Neptune hung out in late Capricorn. Later on that year it dipped back to Scorpio to finish up some old business, and just after re-entering Sagittarius, Uranus entered Aquarius in January 1996. Neptune followed suit in January 1998. And that was when the future officially was here! The seeds of a new humanity were born, entering little by little in the form of walking, talking souls whose biggest fear seems to be losing their phones. Now, when they are taking over the world, we can see the outlines of what’s to come as we get to know a generation that embodies the Sagittarian archetype at the very core of their being.

Sagittarius is known for being bombastic and opinionated, and this generation grew up in an increasingly polarized world, getting updated instantly and constantly through their phones, catapulting them into a world of debates and disagreements.

It could fit their constant search for knowledge and hunt for stimulation as they are looking for something deeper than what their immediate environment can offer. At the core of the Sagittarius heart lies the Quest for Truth. That sounds really nice and honourable, but the trouble begins when truth becomes subjective and coloured, and not relative, unifying, or all-encompassing. The seasoned astrologer knows how incredibly convincing any Sagittarius can be, and somewhat annoyingly so, especially for those who understand that there are other perspectives that are valuable as well. And herein lies the challenge as this generation is probably going to fight about everything from genders to politics. It has already begun.
Welcome to the world of Sagittarius. Strong opinions can easily become truth and fundamentalism in one way or another lurks behind every corner. And even though the Sagittarian souls are looking for wisdom, a lot of them will only listen to what they want to listen to. Selective hearing is one of the major features of Sagittarius, one that makes them filter out that which fits their underlying search for truth. It is amazing what you find when you just want to. The dark side of Sagittarius is cherry picking and selective hearing, but the marvellous side of it is intuition. In this generation we will see all of it to an extreme degree. Sagittarius energy is big, have no doubt about that. From the most fabulous mature visionaries and intuitives, wardens of ancient wisdom and teachers of mankind to the radicalized angry and materialistically greedy social media moguls that only want what they want and when they want it. What unifies them on the spectrum of Sagittarius is that they will be loud. And they will go big!
What the future holds we do not know. But what we do know is that this generation is coming of age in a world where housing prices are soaring, inflation looms everywhere and where survival of the fittest have turned into a lucrative biohacking mindset. Of course, they want to be billionaires. They want to travel. They are hungry to find the real meaning in life as the Sagittarius impulse moves them towards freedom and they are not willing to settle. Life must be meaningful and one way to find its true meaning is to have an opportunity to free themselves from the hamster wheel of society"...



Cat Ivins
#astrology #scorpio #pluto

..."In the Kabbalah, Scorpio (our fixed water sign) is the season of the great flood (yes, of Noah's ark fame). Water is usually a life giving and life sustaining resource, but it can also be very DESTRUCTIVE. Scorpio has a connection with destructive water/destructive emotions. And, of course, the modern ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, the grim reaper himself/God of the Underworld.

Scorpio people come at us with alot of intensity (they are not always even aware of this). They are generally powerful people, especially Scorpio women (sometimes, not often, men and women carry these energies differently, for example a Leo woman is GENERALLY more powerful/controlling than the same Leo energy in a man. Leo men can be a bit more lazy - think about the way the lioness goes out and does the hunting and the "king" of the jungle kind of supervises - and, of course, I am talking about differences on an ENERGETIC level here and, also, mostly, not always). You want to stay on a Scorpio's good side, and I am a Scorpio rising with a daughter with a Scorpio stellium and, so, am allowed to say this. :) Plutonian energy comes into a situation and destroys it ... that's kind of its job.

A thing to keep in mind with Scorpio is they are TRUTH TELLERS. And we can't always handle it/want to hear it. So, Pluto can come in now, and remember he is squaring Mercury as well as the Sun and bring us news and conversations and even ideas that we might not want to talk and think about. So, pay attention to all the messengers and messages that come in. Especially the stuff that makes you uncomfortable.

Arguments can flare up over small things ... that are not really small things.

If we can allow ourselves the time to respond and not react, if we can take in what we are hearing without being defensive - we can see this stuff as preparing us for what is coming next, there is gold to be mined now. And I am not talking about taking abuse here, because Pluto in Cappy when taken too far can be abusive and we aren't needing to put up with that, but interactions and information that is uncomfortable/intense are important catalysts now. If we are busy defending ourselves then the light that is coming in is wasting its time with us. Listen. Take it in. Sit with it. There will be a time for responding if we need to, but our immediate reaction will probably be out-of-whack with these energies, so LISTEN."...



Awakening and Transforming into New Consciousness and #Astrology Forecast October 14-20
By Leo Knighton Tallarico

The Solar #Eclipse New Moon in #Libra, which is square #Pluto, was exact at 10:55 AM Pacific, 1:55 PM Eastern on Saturday October 14.
At the least, for many it will be a time to decide who is coming with us into this New Chapter of life and who is being released. At the least old patterns need to be released in order to open portals into new healthy relationship patterns.

It is aligned now to look to improve on old relationship patterns that do not work or give us our needs met for healthy relating. Old dysfunctional relationship patterns will not survive.

In Israel/Palestine there is a war that on a deeper level is wiping out the “same-old” ways of relating between Palestinians and Israelis that has kept them stuck in an apartheid world instead of the 2 State Solution that used to be the goal of healthy relationship long ago.. When all is said and done it will be a much different world there. It will be a whole New Chapter of life for everyone. Hopefully through the destruction a Phoenix will rise from the horrible ashes of war there.

It is interesting that Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, was born at a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra. This current Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra thus brings him full circle into the current explosive events in the Middle East. Israel was born on May 14 1948. He was born on October 21 1949, quite close to Israel’s birth.
The Eastern Bloc of cultures and countries is playing chess while the Western World continues to play Monopoly.

Remember that the New Age in Aquarius requires Equality, Diversity Within Unity, and a world “of the people, by the people, and for the people”. Restructuring the geopolitical World Order will be a big part of that process.
The walls of the old paradigm and age are crumbling as needed to transform what has become a largely unhealthy, toxic, narcissistic, self destructive human family experience here on Planet Earth.
On the deepest of soul levels we are making a decision to either greatly transform our world and consciousness, or to self-destruct and go as the Dinosaurs did.

If you look at the world we have developed, we see nuclear weapons being threatened more and more; we witness a world economy that is based on rewarding the greedy and power hungry people."...


#astrology #eclipse #pluto #libra

The Cosmic Story: Eclipse Season Autumn 2023
Cathy Pagano

..."Eclipses always herald a time of change. We can see the whole 6-week eclipse season (two weeks before and after the two eclipses) as a portal, which opens to our past, so we can work with it in the now to create a more conscious future.

This is where astrology and the imagination are helpful in decoding and releasing the old story and birthing a new one. Astrology gives you the archetypal structure being resonated and the Imagination fills in the blanks with your personal story.
An ongoing aspect has been Pluto in Capricorn squaring the Aries/Libra nodes. This aspect has been part of this summer’s New and Full Moon charts. The state of our world (Capricorn) is challenging us(Aries NN) to do something about it (Libra SN)!
As Pluto moves forward again, will the citizens of the world hold our leaders accountable? Pluto backed up to within 20’ of the US Pluto return, so this is the last wakeup call we Americans get to ‘turn this ship around’. The question we have to ask is Can we make a democracy work? The answer is yes, if we the people do our job as citizens and participate.
Libra’s gifts concern our social interactions. Our marriages and partnerships, our alliances, peace and diplomacy, legal matters and the court. Libra is also concerned with the Arts, with fashion and beauty, with social status as well as equality. All these are gifts of Aphrodite/Venus, the ruler of Libra.

Venus is the ruler of this eclipse. She has just been through her retrograde in Leo, and she is now in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces at the eclipse. She understands the collective longing for peace, for love, for security (Saturn in Pisces). In Virgo, Venus’ virginity wants to be of service to Libra relationships. Venus wants us to bring more courtesy, more kindness, more balance, more love into our relationships. This is not a sign of weakness; it takes strength to stay loving in our chaotic world.

If we did our work this summer while Venus was in Leo for 4 months, our self-worth is strong and centered in our own creative vision.
When the Nodes are in Aries and Libra, it is a call to renew our self-identity, to embrace our inner spirit and explore our life and live it. Look for new connections, new ideas, new relationships, new work. As we let go of our old co-dependent habits in all our relationships, we can create a more truthful, heartfelt world where courtesy, honesty, kindness, graciousness, and pleasure are the norm."


An intense time ahead as #mars comes to conjunct fiery chaotic #ketu, and square #pluto.
from 4th oct-17th nov mars will give full vedic aspect to pluto, #jupiter, and #uranus..
....a challenging period for those with planets or ascendant in sidereal libra, capricorn or aries..generally affecting, relationships, corporate/official/business matters, and military activity
...from 25th oct, uranus will be back in the red star zone, buckle up

#astrology from #ianwood