#Imagination #Journeys

“It's very interesting. It's almost like Lucid Dreaming. You can't force it. Things come up. There is an energy that comes. I'm trying to figure it out. There's energy that's very natural. There is a flow to it. I can be explorative and you have my back. You provide safety and encouragement so the energy can come up.”

Background Story

I have known about this technique for several years, reading about it in Jon Rappoport's “The Matrix Revealed” collection. There it was hinted at in a number of interviews between Jon and a guy named Jack True. Jack was a mysterious figure and former hypnotherapist. Mysterious because he never published anything under his name, he merely shows up as a key person in Rappoport's work. Some people go so far as to speculate that Rappoport invented him.

Jack died, according to Jon, in the mid 90s under mysterious circumstances. He was an ex-hypnotherapist, because at one point in his career he realized that people are already hypnotized 99% of the time and what they need is more of a wake up call and not being led into a deeper trance , bombarded with even more suggestions.

Suggestions are you surrendering your will and hoping someone else has all the answers for you, instead of you looking within. As in suggestive questioning, where the interviewer phrases his questions in such a way as to elicit a specific answer from you, instead of allowing you to come up with your own answer.

How did he go about waking people up?

Instead of telling them a story, hypnotizing and suggesting to them, he drew out their own story and had them fill it with many many details. His stories and outcomes were wild. So wild that I felt reluctant about including them in my book, Imagination: The Secret Nobody Talks About, before reproducing them on my own terms.

From lighters sliding across tables, tapping into past lives or correctly viewing remote locations. Whenever I tried to find people during the years to test this technique, I never went all in with it, being relentless on my quest to find particpants ready to go all the way with this and not drop out after a few sessions.

This changed and aligned when I told my neighbor about this technique, and she said:
“This sounds like lucid dreaming. Just that you are awake and do it with another person.” Seeing it as a form of “live lucid dreaming,” totally clicked with me and reignited my passion for this technique.

When Jack did his sessions, he found that his clients were harboring “whole worlds” in their minds. Untapped worlds, far different from this one. Worlds in which space and time were different. Logic was different.

“This is the gold I’ve been looking for. It turns out that the effect of living in one world and believing it’s the only possibility puts people in chains. They tailor their consciousness and trim it down and inflict emotional problems on themselves. It’s like keeping a genie in a bottle. But when you take off the cork on the bottle, the magic begins.”

I‘ve also been blessed to have had the chance to talk to Josiah, one of the best YouTube channels on Neville Goddard (Manifestation/Law of Attraction) about this technique.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3SITIOaJJl4

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