#Libertarianism doesn't work
#Individualism doesn't work.
more on the demise of sears from Beverly Dir
"Ayn Rand's - Sears Demise began much earlier.
Sears followed #Reagan's Union Busting and Lifetime Firing of 11,364 Experienced Professional Air Traffic Controllers who went on strike due to under staffing and wide spread fatigue which caused unsafe working conditions in the air traffic control system for in- flight plane accidents. There have been 22 near misses this year. Reagan's undermining of unions was also the Demise of the Middle Class.
1) In the late 1970s Sacramento, Sears "laid off" their BEST large appliance repairman & retained or hired young inexperienced cheaper repairmen.
2) In the 1990s, Raley's Supermarket, now with 129 Supermarkets worth $1.4 Billion did the same thing. Raley's grocery store CEO Mike Raley Teel is the wealthiest man in Sacramento according to Forbes, worth $ 940 Million. Despite the Corporate and Individual wealth, Teel with 92% ownership, cut the hours of all Senior staff with 10 years or more working for Raley's, from 40 hours weekly to 24 hours weekly, so that Raley's did NOT have to contribute as much to the employees retirement fund.
3) Our son worked for Raley's Bel Air Supermarkets for 26 years as the graveyard warehouse receiving and stocking crew manager, and he was also assigned to various stores to "clean up & reorganize" departments like the biggest money making liquor departments.
4) Raley's not only cut Workers' weekly hours and income, but workers consequently lost family medical benefits.
5) Our son had three kids to support, some older staff had kids in college who were forced to drop out, and some employees lost their homes through no fault of their own.
6) Our son and our grandkids were on the brink of homelessness were forced to move out of expensive California to a cheaper, but lower wage State on the East Coast.
7) Mike Teel's raw unrestrained capitalist greed ruined some workers and their family's' lives, contributed to the decline of the community and homelessness!
8.) Employers must have to hire employees for a full 40 hour work week before they can hire part time, underpaid, and under compensated workers who must work 3 jobs to barely pay for living expenses."