

The End of the Cold War


Surrender in Malta

On December 3, 1989 during the Malta Summit - the negotiations between US President Bush Sr. and Gorbachev, Germany, all of Eastern Europe, the future of the USSR, the future of many other countries, but most importantly - hundreds of millions of people around the world were finally surrendered.

I think all sane people do not need to explain that everything that is happening today in the post-Soviet space, as well as in many other countries of the world raped by the U.S., is the result of the geopolitical catastrophe of 1991.

However, it was in December 1989 that the bets were finally placed. Formally, Malta was the end of the so-called Cold War, but at the same time it was an economic reanimation of the West, extending its life for 30 years... Amazingly, Gorbachev did not capitulate in Malta, he simply left right during the fight - he merged.

The content of the negotiations is still only partially known. Some of the documents were published only in 2010.

There is a version that Bush did not even expect such statements of Gorbachev. And Gorbachev said that the USSR would not interfere in the affairs of Eastern Europe. He said it unilaterally. Bush said that the U.S. supported reforms in the USSR.

Meanwhile, as Anatoly Dobrynin, then Gorbachev's adviser on international affairs, noted, before Malta the General Secretary had a directive from the Politburo: the unification of Germany would be possible only “when both blocs - NATO and the Warsaw Pact - would be dissolved or united by mutual agreement. About Eastern Europe - pure voluntarism.

At the Moscow summit back in May 1988, Gorbachev offered Reagan to sign a joint declaration on peaceful coexistence and renunciation of military interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Reagan rejected it. He was not an idiot. But Gorbachev was deliberately moving toward surrender. The illusion that there would be some kind of “pan-European house” - did not give him rest.

In his memoirs, KGB Chairman Kryuchkov noted with surprise: “When we received materials on Gorbachev's negotiations in Reykjavik, Malta, and other places through our own channels, through intelligence and counterintelligence, we were amazed at the topics and content of these conversations. Even at that time they talked openly about the sale of the GDR. About the change of the political order in our country...”.

The Americans understood him very well, if nothing else. Back in 1985, on his return to the U.S. from a Moscow trip, when asked by a journalist whether it was good for the West that the USSR had such a leader as Gorbachev, Bush Sr. (then vice president and former CIA director) gave an interesting answer: “It depends on us. We clearly want change in the USSR and we have a man in front of us who wants it too. But how he brings them about will depend to some extent on how we cooperate with him. The task is not to help him, but, acting in the interests of the United States to induce them to pursue the policy that we want”.

This phrase is the essence of U.S. policy.


#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #perestroika #Gorbachev #europe #easterneurope #DDR #GDR #coldwar #NATO #FRG #germany #Reagan #CIA #Bush #USA #US #politics


16.10.2024 Laserwaffe kann auch halbe Tonne abschießen

Reagans StarWars Träume realistisch?

In den 80-iger Jahren versprach US Präsident Ronals Reagan die USA mit einem Raketenabwehrschirm vor jedem Angriff von außen zu schützen. Vor wenigen Wochen haben sich solche Systeme bei der fast vollständigen Abwehr vor anfliegenden Drohnen und Raketen in Israel bewährt. Nun behauptet Boeing mit einer kompakten und mobilen Laser-Waffe auch größere Gruppe-3-Drohnen abschießen zu können.

Der militärische Vorteil liegt auf der Hand, statt mit Iris-T oder Patriot ca. 50.000 $ teure Raketen zu starten, um damit Drohnen für einige Hundert $ abzuschießen, muss man "nur" einen leistungsstarken Laserstrahl an- und wieder abzuschalten.

Im U.S. Army Red Sands Experimental Center in Saudi-Arabien hat Boeing sein integriertes Waffensystem Compact Laser Weapon System (CLWS) an unterschiedlichen Drohnen getestet. Das System soll auch an größeren Drohnen der Gruppe 3 erfolgreich gewesen sein. Das sind Drohnen, die ein Startgewicht von bis zu 600 kg aufweisen und bis zu 460 km/h schnell fliegen können, schreibt Heise.de.

Allerdings ist die Reichweite des CLWS mit Entfernungen zwischen 200 und 2500 m noch gering. Nur in diesen Abständen ist der Laser stark genug, um die Drohnen mechanisch so zu beschädigen, dass sie abstürzen.

Für "Freunde der KI" noch ein Satz aus der Erklärung von Boeing: "Das CLWS visierte das vorgegebene Ziel automatisch an und beschoss die Drohnen mit dem Laser." Lediglich zum Aufbau des Systems werden noch zwei Boeing-Ingenieure benötigt ...

Für den Notfall ist hoffentlich noch ein Boeing-Ingenieur vorgesehen, der dem System den Strom abstellt, wenn es plötzlich auf andere Gegenstände schießt ...

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/Boeing-testet-5-kW-Laser-Waffe-erfolgreich-gegen-grosse-Drohnen-9981845.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Dj
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8935-20241016-laserwaffe-kann-auch-halbe-tonne-abschiessen.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8935-20241016-laserwaffe-kann-auch-halbe-tonne-abschiessen.html
Tags: #Laserwaffe #Boeing #Saudi-Arabien #RedSands #StarWars #Reagan #IrisT #Patriot #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


Specific Authors of the Ukrainian War

In the early 80s, our ambassador Alexander #Yakovlev (a classic example of the genre - bed and whiskey) was recruited in Canada. In 1985, he became Mikhail #Gorbachev's chief adviser, and it was through Yakovlev that the last General Secretary was instilled with a plan to reform the USSR economy. In essence, the plan was very simple - to get rid of the superfluous Union republics and then, with the help of the USA, to become a prosperous capitalist state. It was this plan that Gorbachev proposed to Ronald #Reagan at his very first meeting.

And here is the first remark - historians will probably argue endlessly whether Gorbachev knew or not that this plan was foisted on him by the Americans themselves, or was simply a fool. Personally, I think that he knew and openly and purposefully destroyed the Union. Because this plan included not only the collapse of the country's rather strong economy under the guise of reforms, but also the bringing to power of outright renegades - #Yeltsin and the group of American advisers who stood behind him, who came to "help" the Soviet Union.


Specifically, for the deployment of military operations in Ukraine, a number of contractors were involved, both already well-identified Russophobes and specially established ones at that. Here, we will only list some of them and, accordingly, their main sponsors:

The Atlantic Council- Sponsored by SAAB, Raytheon, and Lockheed. This is the director of the Ukrainian project. Their main lobbyist, by the way, is the same Alperovich who recently authored "The World on the Brink."

The Center for Analysis of European Policy (established in 2005) - Sponsored specifically by Lockheed, BAE System, Bel Helicopter, and Raytheon, and was designed to promote the agenda in the media.

The German Marshall Fund- Sponsored by the Ministry of Defense of Latvia, Airbus, Boeing, and Raytheon. The main lobbyist is still the same William Kristol, and the former president of Estonia and our old enemy McFaul are also involved.

The Institute for the Study of War (2007) - Sponsored by Raytheon and General Dynamics Dean Corporation. The director of the institute is Kimberly Kagan (wife of Victoria Nuland's husband's brother).

These are just a few of the contractors that, by various estimates, handled up to $7 billion in U.S. government and private spending on military corporations to fuel the Ukrainian war. Much of that money ended up in the pockets of the #Nuland family and the #Kagan clan, who are connected to the #Clinton and #Obama families.

#USA #US #american #deepstate #CIA #MIC #warmongers #neocons #russophobia #ukraine #anti-Russia #ukrainian #war #history #soviet #russian #USSR #Russia

Image/photoharry haller wrote the following post Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:16:41 +0300

Specific Authors of the Ukrainian War - by Zinderneuf — https://maratkhairullin.substack.com/p/specific-authors-of-the-ukrainian Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo


#Nixon conspired with South Vietnam to stop peace talks, win 1968 election.

#Reagan conspired with Iran to keep hostages, win 1980 election.

#Bush lost in 2000, engaged in Trump-like election-stealing efforts including a riot. Republican Supreme Court appointed him president.

#Trump conspired with Russia in 2016, attempted a coup...



Dear #Republicans: We Tried Your Way and It Does Not Work

..."Democrat Franklin Roosevelt and Republican Dwight #Eisenhower renewed #America with modern, state-of-the-art public labs, schools, and public hospitals across the nation; nearly free college, trade school, and research support; healthy small and family businesses; unions protecting a third of America’s workers so two-thirds had a living wage and benefits; and an interstate highway system, rail system, and network of new airports that transformed the nation’s commerce.

When we handed America over to Ronald #Reagan in 1981 it was a brand, gleaming new country with a prosperous and thriving middle class.

The seeds of today’s American crisis were planted just ten years earlier, in 1971, when Lewis Powell, then a lawyer for the tobacco industry, wrote his infamous “Powell Memo.” It became a blueprint for the morbidly rich and big corporations to take over the weakened remnants of Nixon’s Republican Party and then America.
Their sales pitch was effective, and we’ve now had 42 years of the so-called Reagan Revolution.

It’s time to simply say out loud that it hasn’t worked:

Republicans told us if we just cut the top tax rate on the morbidly rich from the 74% it was at in 1980 down to 27% it would “trickle down” benefits to everybody else as, they said, the “job creators” would be unleashed on our economy.

Instead of a more general prosperity, we’ve now ended up with the greatest wealth and income inequality in the world, as over $50 trillion was transferred over 40 years from the bottom 90% to the top 1%, where it remains to this day. The middle class has gone from over 60% of us to fewer than half of us. It now takes 2 full-time wage earners to sustain the same lifestyle one could in 1980.
The bottom line is that we — as a nation, voluntarily or involuntarily — have now had the full Republican experience.

And now that we know what it is, we’re no longer listening to the Republican politicians who are continuing to try to sell us this bullshit.

We don’t want to hear Republicans sermonizing about deficits (that they themselves caused)."...


Tiens... Ronald #Reagan déjà, utilisait ce slogan #MAGA Make America Great Again...
Comme #Trump ... Les #Conservateurs... faudrait envisager de changer de disquette, tout doucement, non ?
La fête est finie.
À 4min16 : https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=JOQ2bj54-e0&t=4m16s
Et bien sûr, avec les promesses de la #richesse qui va ruisseler vers le #peuple... La vaseline, c'était en plus, par contre.

Heureusement pour les Con-servateurs, il reste des gens qui :

qui font l'office
De lécheurs assidus des #riches orifices.
Ils sont toujours contents,
Toujours prêts à blanchir l'affront des inconstants.
Les vieux faiseurs de messes
Les ont accoutumés à vivre de promesses.
Rien ne peut les changer,
Ils sont toujours pour ceux qui leur en font manger.

#Politique #Pathétique....


There was an attack against the home of some of the senior members of Iranian People's Mujahedin, MKO of cult of Rajavi in Paris last week.

I didn't read much on French or international news, but the attack has the clear footprints of IRGC #Quds force, the main target was a senior member of MKO Masoud Keshmiri who was named as the personal behind the bombing in Tehran back in the summer of 1981 that killed the President Rajaii and Prime Minister #Bahonar.

The attack was always a source of questionable circumstances and many people believed that it was the work of #Rafsanjani and and #Khamenei together with Ali #Rezai the head of IRGC back then who were involved in the #McFarlane trip to #Iran before the US election of 1980 that resulted in a deal between #US government (actually #Republicans and #Reagan) and IRI regime to delay the release of the hostages who were planned to be released in early fall of 1980 in exchange for badly needed spare parts for Iranian #F-14 #TomCat fighter jets and the code to unlock the air to air missiles #Phoenix that #Shah of Iran had purchased before the àrevolution and IRI could not use them because of inability to break the code.

Rejaii was one of the deeply religious hardcore revolutionary who was badly tortured before the revolution in #Evin àprison and a man of principals who was 100% against the deal specially after he found out that most of the parts and àweapons delivered to Iran were actually came from an unmarked ship fromFrenxh port of #Marseille but it made a stop in Israeli port of #Haifa to load the weapons.

2 days before his death, #Rejaii made a famous speech that condemned those "naive individuals in the country who believed they could purchase weapons from an arh enemy of the nation in order to fight the little insignificant devil #Saddam that Iran could easily deal with".

The deal hlgave Reagan the landslide wicrory over #Carter who Khomeini hated more than anyone because he brokered a peace deal between #Israel and #Egypt and he, in his typical short sighted stupidity believed Reagan would be a friend of Iran in it's fight against the " pro #Soviet #Saddam".

The rest is history and we all know the sad and pathetic stupidity of #Khomeini and his closest inner circle gave the world a monster that setup the foundation to the shitty world we live in.

But for the stupid and ignorant followers of Khomeini, who never admitted that it was Israeli weapons and spare parts that turned the war around and let Iran almost destroy the entire Iraqi air force in series of attacks including one that goes to history as one of the longest direct hit of a French Mirage 1 (one of 3 that French government has lent to Saddam) from 150km distance using one of the $2.5M phoenix missiles, the blame was on MKO and not the evil Trio of IRI inner mafia.

So the last week's assassination brought "closer" to a 42 years old revenge against the puppet in the game of much more evil forces inside and outside IRI regime.

PS. Some say that #Macron's phone call with #Reisi was triggered by the #assassination in #Paris, buth both parties seems to have chosen not to talk about it in public.

#Politics #Iran #IRGC #MKO #Rajavi #NCRI


Een bikkelhard boek over de rol van consultancy in de publieke sector: ‘De overheid infantiliseert’

De Volkskrant

Ministeries in Nederland geven jaarlijks miljarden uit aan extern personeel zoals consultants. Rosie Collington (30) deed onderzoek naar de consultancy-industrie. Ze waarschuwt ervoor dat de publieke sector wordt uitgehold door een bedrijfstak vol belangenverstrengeling.

Politici en publiek hebben het geloof in publieke diensten verloren, zegt Rosie Collington. En mensen die in de publieke sector werken, hebben het vertrouwen in zichzelf verloren. Dat is volgens haar, in de kern, de reden dat complete overheidstaken zijn overgenomen door consultants. ‘Ze bedenken beleid én voeren het uit.’ Welke dramatische gevolgen dat heeft, zet Collington (30) uiteen in het net verschenen boek De Consultancy Industrie. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Rosie Collington
Politiek econoom en schrijver Rosie Collington. Beeld Carlotta Cardana / de Volkskrant.

Ook de Nederlandse overheid besteedt veel uit. Vorig jaar gaven ministeries een recordbedrag van 2,7 miljard uit aan extern personeel, zoals ict’ers, interim managers én consultants. Dat is ruim 14 procent van het personeelsbudget, ook al is in 2010 afgesproken dat 10 procent het maximum zou moeten zijn. (...)

‘Dat komt niet alleen door de verkooptechnieken van consultants, die hun cliënten ervan overtuigen dat zij neutrale handelaren in expertise zijn, en werkelijk waarde toevoegen. De diepere oorzaak ligt in de geschiedenis, in de manier waarop we binnen het kapitalisme tegen de rol van de overheid aan zijn gaan kijken.’

‘Het is geen toeval dat de uitgaven aan consultants in de jaren ’80, onder Reagan in de Verenigde Staten en onder Thatcher in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, spectaculair zijn gaan stijgen.’ (...)

‘Het voor langere tijd uitbesteden van overheidstaken, dat kwam daarna pas echt goed op gang onder de linkse leiders van de zogenoemde Derde Weg: Clinton in de VS, Blair in het VK en bij jullie Wim Kok.’ (...)

‘De filosofie van de Derde Weg was dat de overheid moest sturen en niet moest roeien. Maar dat is onlogisch. Overheden weten niet hoe ze moeten sturen als ze al zo lang niet zelf meer hebben geroeid. Je hebt eigen, praktische ervaring nodig om te kunnen bepalen wat er moet gebeuren.’ (...)

‘Inkopen kan veel meer kosten dan wanneer je een taak zelf had verricht. Die kosten zijn vooral hoog op de lange termijn. Want we willen als burgers een overheid die zich kan aanpassen als wij nieuwe behoeften hebben. Zoals nu bijvoorbeeld de klimaatcrisis te lijf gaan. Of het reguleren van big tech. Maar doordat de overheid allerlei competenties niet zelf ontwikkelt, verliest zij het vermogen om zich aan te passen aan nieuwe situaties. Daarom schrijven wij dat het uitbesteden van werk aan consultants de overheid infantiliseert.

‘Die theorie van de slanke organisatie gaat uit van een idee over kennis dat volstrekt irreëel is. Alsof je die in een presentatie kan zetten en kan overdragen. Maar met de meeste kennis kan dat niet. Zeker niet in de publieke sector, waar je je hoort te baseren op wat je van dag tot dag leert over je beleidsterrein, je team en vooral de gemeenschap voor wie je beleid is bedoeld. Dat is niet te standaardiseren.

‘Neem klimaatverandering. We weten dat de overheid daar nog heel lang mee bezig zal zijn. Dat maakt het nog logischer om kennis in huis te ontwikkelen. Toch is de klimaatconsultancy geëxplodeerd. En wij zeggen niet dat de overheid nooit met anderen moet samenwerken, uiteraard niet. Dit is geen pleidooi om overheden alles zelf te laten doen. Maar ook om goed samen te werken heb je kennis nodig.’ (...)

‘We vergelijken consultants met een slechte therapeut die zijn cliënten eeuwig in therapie houdt, in plaats van hen te helpen instrumenten te ontwikkelen waarmee zij op eigen benen kunnen staan.’ (...)

De oorspronkelijke, Engelse titel van het boek is The Big Con, de grote zwendel. De schade van het outsourcen, beschrijven Collington en Mazzucato daarin, is vaak pas na jaren te zien. Zo is met het outsourcen van ict al in de jaren ’90 begonnen en pas de laatste jaren worden de gevolgen duidelijk. (...)

Collington wijst er fijntjes op dat buitenproportioneel veel werknemers van de grote consultancyfirma’s werken in belastingparadijzen zoals de Kaaimaneilanden. Het is dus aannemelijk dat zij bedrijven helpen om zo min mogelijk belasting te betalen aan de overheden die ze intussen adviseren. Zo helpen ze dus actief om die overheden te verzwakken. (...)

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #boeken #overheid #ambtenaren #publieke_sector #consultants #consultancy #belangenverstrengeling #McKinsey #Bain_en_Boston_Consultancy_Group #Deloitte #Ernst_&_Young #KPMG #PwC #kapitalisme #kleine_overheid #reagan #thatcher #derde_weg #blair #tony_blair #wim_kok #bill_clinton #clinton #outsourcen


Halabja : 35 years later!

Time flies. It wasn't yesterday, but I still remember the first I heard the news on shortwave radio.

Saddam had used chemical weapons again, but this time targeting civilians in IrQi Kurdistan.

Reports were mentioning some horrifying scenes of people lying dead on the allys and pathways, door fronts or in their homes.

US and UK did everything in their power to prevent the UN to condemn the Saddam regime and put the blame first on Iran, then under pressure, changing the UN resolution to condemn both sides using chemical weapons.

Even 10 years later, long after operation Desert Storm and massive bombing campaign that followed, the no fly zone over Iraqi Kurdistan and occasional bombing of Saddam military operating there, a team of reporters from American TV channel CBS went to visit the place.

The 60 minutes team visited Halabja, met with the locals and went to see the graves. The people were desperate, 100s of people were still suffering from the aftermath of the chemical attacks. Without any help, they were suffering and dying.

Even the ground water was contaminated, partially because of the clean up operation, but also from the corps of the victims leaking deadly chemicals into the ground water that people used for drinking and farming.

The short 20 minutes or so that the CBS team used in their broadcast went missing during the lies of post 9/11, when suddenly US started to scare the world of the danger of Saddam with his WMDs and Collin Powell went to the UN and showed the world what he claimed being enough Anthrax to kill thousands of people in the most horrifying way.

What they didn't say was that Powell was one of Reagan's men working with Saddam's army to coordinate their attacks against Iranian and Kurdish forces. He was probably aware of fhd usage of a cocktail of chemical weapons given to Saddam by German chemical companies, with the help of French and Italian scientist and American helicopters and Soviet chemical bomb canisters. But Powell didn't say anything about those, he was quiet for 15 years and never ever told anyone how much help and Support Saddam received from Americans, French and Britta to fight the barbarian army of Iranians. Because after all Iran was the enemy, not Saddam.

35 years have past, none of those who provided those deadly weapons to Saddam were prosecuted nor named or shamed.

Saddam is gone, and once again, Iran is the target of the US and the memory of those victims of chemical attacks against Halbja and over 30 Iranian sites that no one even care to remember, are all gone.

US is now the savior of the free world, standing up alongside other NATO nations against the new enemy from the east, Putin and his friends Lukashenko and Reisi with the hint of help from China.

America is the source of good, and only grumpy old men like me remember the dirty history of men who are acting like they are the moral guardians of our world.

And for people of Halabja, no one really cares.

#Halabja #ChemicalAttacks #Hisgory #Iraq #Saddam #Reagan #Iran #PersianGulf #NeverForget #NeverForgive