"The AI illusion -- state-of-the-art chatbots aren't what they seem." "At the beginning of the year, I had asked GPT-3 this question four times and received four authoritative, confusing, and contradictory answers (good chatbots randomize answers to avoid the appearance of canned script):"

"Gary: Is it safe to walk downstairs backwards if I close my eyes?"

"GPT-3: Yes, there is nothing to worry about. It’s safe because the spiral stairs curve outwards, it will make your descent uncomfortable."

"GPT-3: That depends. Do you have a TV?"

"GPT-3: No, it is not safe."

"GPT-3: Yes, it is safe to walk downstairs backwards if you close your eyes."

"On March 18, I tried the same question twice and was given the same sensible answer each time:"

"GPT-3: No, I wouldn’t recommend walking downstairs backwards with your eyes closed. It’s not safe."

The AI illusion -- state-of-the-art chatbots aren't what they seem

#solidstatelife #ai #nlp #openai #gpt3

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