Israeli, Rajavi cult, Iranian Trumostrrs are united in attacking the Iranian national council in US (NIAC ) portraying it as a lobby group for the regime.

I do not agree with the group and my old friends in Sweden and US who are part of the group are all liberal and social democrats who focus mainly on promoting peaceful transition of power from the current regime and worked hard to fight thd illegal and immortal sanctions imposed by Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden who only hurt poorest people in Iran and has costs 1000 of lives.

It is really sad that these bots, paid agents and extremists who push for regime change at any cost and increase sanctions against Iran because they believe sanctions will eventually make people so miserable that they finally rise up and revolt against the regime.

They are also the same people pushing for US intervention in Iran in the name of "democracy" and working hard to hijack the current protests and push them towarc armed confrontation against the regime and ultimately call for international intervention.

NIAC is one of their main targets, but it's not the only one. They are also targeting any moderate and non militant opposition abroad and inside the as agents or regime apologists.

They have been able to get #NIAC trending almost daily in US time that shows clearly where these pushers are mainly located.

#Iran #Politics #AIPAC #Pahlavi #Rajavi #MKO #NCRI

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