Wobble Chair Scooter

Here's a single wheel scooter that actually has static stability. It's basically just a chair with a round bottom that rotates. Sort of like a sit n spin with a rounded bottom.

The way this scooter rolls and moves is inspired by the egg shaped Weebles. If you spin a Weeble, while tilting it, then it will zoom along rather than just spinning in place.

The bottom's axle pokes up between your legs, and you can use a rope wrapped around the axle to power the scooter. You press with your feet to tighten the rope, and push forward with your left leg to move left (or right leg to move right). Then you loosen the rope to move your legs back.

Not pictured are optional side handles for your hands, which would help steer.

The back of your chair can have solar panels, to power an electric motor.
