This is a sourdough rice bread. (That's probably the most suitable name.) But it didn't quite work out the way I thought.
enter image description here
I had spotted a recipe for a "rice bread" on Youtube, but I found parts of the process the young lady explained rather strange, so my process was very different.

She had soaked rice over night, then put that rice with its water, some salt, some sugar and yeast into a blender to create a kind of "rice mud". She had to be careful not to blend for too long so the temperature wouldn't kill the yeast. (Why not add the yeast after the blender?) She got a kind of very fluffy white bread out of it, but I think the crust (her bread had one) was slightly brownish.

Since the amounts she used looked very similar to my standard 1-2-3 bread, I ground 300g rice to flour/powder (more or less, my mill is rather small and not exactly powerful), added 200g water, then 100 g sourdough starter. The result is mud, I had to pour this into a form.

I used the same time and temperature for baking as usual, after letting it rest for about six hours, which resulted in a bread with very high hydration. The taste is...interesting. Unfortunately the bread didn't really rise, before baking I could have sworn it had at least a little. When I bake with oatmeal flour, the bread also doesn't want to rise, so this may be the same situation.

What makes me hesitate to try this again however is the fact that just like rice, this bread dries up quicker than regular sourdough bread. Maybe at a later time, with more thoroughly ground rice flour. Anyway, has anyone else tried making bread out of rice flour? I'm curious what the result was.
#baking #bread #rice