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Zed Shaw's RSS newsreader review is epic

I Want The Mutt Of Feed Readers

I tell some friends that I can’t stand feed readers these days. That what I want is Mutt in RSS clothes. Why can’t I have a feed reader like Mutt? Mutt is awesome with its key bindings. I can tear through email fast as fuck. It’s not my main email client because it doesn’t support folders, but I love using it to glance at my email real quick. Mutt is the shit, and that’s what I fucking want for reading YC or Obie (who really has the prettiest blog once you remove his photos).

Yes, I want “The Mutt of Feed Readers” so I don’t have to look at Obie’s fat ass hold his laptop. He’s my friend, but I swear brother man is wearing lipstick. It’s disturbing.

A long list of failed candidates. And then ... newsbeuter.

Rude, crude, brutally honest, and totally useful.

#software #review #rss #newsreader #newsbeuter #mutt