#curious ... regarding how #diaspora works...
... is this a #federation issue? or #censorship?
on https://nerdpol.ch/posts/6df24a0069eb013c332d28a1592b385a i do not see my original comments (... i did think it weird that such comment evoked no response, hence checking from another instance of diaspora).
on https://iviv.hu/posts/6df24a0069eb013c332d28a1592b385a it shows for me.
has the diaspora software adapted how it handles ignore? various instances handling it differently? some instances censoring entire other instances?

(if i do this correctly) here's a proper diaspora link there, so you can easier see on whatever instant you're currently on, the extent of the censorship of this you suffer: https://dnext.societas.online/posts/6df24a0069eb013c332d28a1592b385a (or ... https://dnext.societas.online/posts/6df24a0069eb013c332d28a1592b385a ) ... do let me know if (either of those) fail.

#agnotology #technology

incase it too disapears, i'll preserve it here

Digit - 6 minutes ago
interesting… my comments here (from my iviv.hu account), dont show up on this other pod. federation issue? gets me wondering what a controlled narrative censorship bubble some people are living in.

quite disturbing that some are being denied the benefit of encountering different perspectives to learn from. … frightening for how much this bolsters groupthink, and the dangerous over-certainty from a dangerously little bit of information.

at risk of evoking wrathful reflexes from those in groupthink, or suffering further censorship, the comments were:

Digit - 2 days ago

be very afraid.

keep doing what they say, even if it is the opposite of prior established best practicies.
trust the corporation sponsored by those profiting from this highly lucrative venture of a captive audience.
and pay no attention to things like codex alimentarius, or operation lockstep. if it was important, the corporate media would have told us about it.

Digit - 2 days ago
and be sure to cancel/ignore anyone who offers you any idea outside the official narrative that we know is true because they told us, and there’s ubiquitous consensus.