An interesting perspective on the role of gaslighting in fascism.

Yes, in hindsight, it's obvious that gaslighting (on steroids) is a cornerstone of fascism. But (I'm ashamed to admit that) it's new to me to think of it as gaslighting, per se, instead of just plain lying: The goal isn't only to deceive; it's to get you to abandon your trust in everything except the gaslighters; it's not just misinformation, it's mind control.

Alex Jones opens a Pandora's box on Trump

A summary of the Trump/Jones/Bannon/... and every other gaslighting motherfucker's Play Book:

... Through the power of bullshit, Alex Jones has evaded consequences for his actions for decades. His strategy is simple: Lie to the audience by claiming to be the victim of a vast conspiracy. This opens a fountain of loyalty and, crucially, money.

Beating the bullshit and gaslighting:

... Mark Bankston, the lawyer for the Sandy Hook parents, revealed that he was in possession of the entire contents of Jones' cellphone, something Jones clearly didn't realize...

... a flicker of concern crossed his face, a small sign of fear that this may, after all this time, be a problem that Jones can't escape through lying and bombast...

And the delicious implications for Trump:

... The House committee investigating the Capitol riot has indicated an interest in getting the phone records. During recess, Bankston was heard saying into a hot mic, "You know what nobody's thought about yet? What happens when that phone goes to law enforcement." On Thursday, Bankston said in court that he's producing Jones' phone records to the committee immediately after the hearing unless the judge orders him not to, to which the judge replied that she wasn't sure he could even refuse to do so.

#AlexJones #Trump #Gaslighting #Bullying #Disinformation #Fascism


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