Khazar Adnan, senior member of Islamic Jihad, died after 86 days of hunger strike in Israeli prison.

This is a first time Israel allowing Palestinian prisoners to starve and die in captivity.

Up until now, their policy (like the US in Guantanamo) to forcefeed the striking prisoners in the most violent ways to torture them and keep them alive at the same time.

But the Israeli KKK leader Ben Gvir said in a speech today that no police or prison guard is allowed to do anything to "extend the lives of terrorists in captivity, if they desire to rldie, we let them die".

The death of #KhazarAdnan is yet another escalation in the already explosive situation in the occupied territories and images like the one I shared are being spread by everyone, even those not supported #IslamicJihad by calling him a #Martyr of the Palestinian cause.

Do not expect the world to react in any way other than calling the both parties to calm and then give more support and money to apartheid state of Israel to force more Palestinians out and build more Jewish only illegal settlements.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics

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