Germany prepares for World War III with the passage of 100 billion euro “Bundeswehr Special Fund”

German ruling class are like:
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With this decision, the ruling class has set into motion the biggest rearmament spiral since the fall of the Nazi regime. The political, historical and social implications are enormous. In the words of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Social Democratic Party, SPD), Germany—already ranked fifth among countries with the highest military budgets—will in future have “by far the largest conventional army in Europe.”

Again: Germany will be the largest army in Europe. I really don't understand how Poland, France, UK are just ok with that. There has been a very good reason, that Germany was "militarily castrated" after WW2. Now German journalists are even endorsing the idea that Germany should get its own thermo-nuclear Bombs do "defend" German interests...while an economical crisis is looming on the horizon, that will disrupt Europe/Germany societies.

Recipe for Disaster

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