

US : #ACLU Leadership Rejects Staff Demands to Condemn US Role in #Israel's #Gaza War

ACLU leadership said that #divestment would have “very significant deleterious impact on our investment portfolio...

A detailed internal report shared with The Intercept said that approximately 1.5 percent of the ACLU’s investment holdings are in aerospace and defense companies... (such as) Lockheed Martin and Boeing, and another 0.5 percent are in Israeli..."

#Hupocrisy #Cowardice #inhumanith #USPolitics #Militarism #Genocide #Israel #Gaza


A ranking member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday proposed the idea of redeploying U.S. tactical nuclear arms to South Korea to beef up deterrence, noting the absence of any immediate diplomatic solution to North Korea's nuclear quandary.

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) made the proposal in a report, titled "21st Century Peace Through Strength: A Generational Investment in the U.S. Military," in which he stressed Pyongyang continues to "outpace expectations" about its nuclear and missile programs with capabilities to target the continental United States.

"Because there is no immediate diplomatic solution in sight, the United States must ensure that deterrence does not erode on the Korean Peninsula," the senator said in the report.
"That means maintaining readiness with regular U.S.-Republic of Korea military exercises, keeping a persistent U.S. military presence on the Korean Peninsula and exploring new options -- such as nuclear-sharing agreements in the Indo-Pacific and redeployment of U.S. tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula -- to bolster deterrence on the Korean Peninsula," he added.

#US #NuclearWeapons #Korea #NorthKore #SouthKorea #Politics #Militarism #Idiocracy #DrStrangeLove


#MartinLutherKing #MLK #history #UnitedStates #war #militarism #capitalism



British pacifists have pledged to resist any plan to deploy armed forces personnel on British streets to carry out police functions.

The Peace Pledge Union (PPU) described the plan as a threat to #civilian #democracy in the #UK.

The PPU pointed out that #troops have no authority to arrest #civilians under UK law. They said that no-one has any obligation to co-operate with the armed forces or obey instructions from them.

Their comments follow the news that the Ministry of Defence has offered #soldiers to support armed #police officers in the Metropolitan Police after a number of police officers withdraw from firearms roles.

The PPU described the proposal to deploy troops as a particularly alarming example of everyday #militarism. They added that the last 20 years have seen a rise in #military involvement in civilian life, through initiatives such as the introduction of Armed Forces Day, military covenants and sharply increased funding for cadet units while other youth services have been cut.

Symon Hill, Campaigns Manager of the Peace Pledge Union (PPU), said:

“Most British people do not want Britain to be the sort of country in which soldiers stand around on street corners brandishing guns. Deploying troops to carry out police functions is a threat to Britain’s traditions of democracy and civil liberty.

“No-one should feel obliged to obey instructions given by troops on the streets. We have our rights because our ancestors campaigned for them. We must not give up our freedoms by allowing ourselves to be subjected to military authority.

“The armed forces and their leaders are rarely held to account – even less so than the police. Certain police officers’ fears of accountability must not be used as an excuse for the armed forces to grab more power over civilian life.”

#pacifist #pacifists #pacifism #antiwar #antimilitarist #antimilitary #peace #propeace #HumanRights


An interview with World Without War: 3 x 5 lessons from a 20 years old movement


World Without War is a member of #War Resisters' International based in #SouthKorea, and is one of the most successful #pacifist and #antimilitarist movements in #Asia, taking action on issues such as the #arms trade, ending mandatory male #conscription and #activist #empowerment.

This year, WWW is celebrating its 20th anniversary by celebrating its achievements, reflecting on its challenges, and envisioning the coming years/decades. To mark this occasion, we interviewed front-line #activist Jungmin Choi. She has responded to our questions in consultation with the WWW team. Here, they have dived deep into their past, present and future, making this a valuable read for the #pacifists and antimilitarists actively resisting war and reducing its causes within the country and globally.

This interview, among other things, considers issues that are crucial for the Asia #Peace Network and the wider War Resisters' International to consider, if we want to build stronger movements to resist the arms trade, take action on climate crisis and #militarism, and promote activist emotional wellbeing. As we all know, the devastating effects of these issues transcend national borders.

Happy 20th birthday to World Without War!

#antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights


First confirmed video of a British #Challenger 2 tank destroyed in #Ukraine was released last night

This comes a few days after Ukrainien military claimed major victories in the northern front against Russian forces.

This war need to end. The longer it takes, the more bloody and brutal it gets and pushes us further towards an even bigger confrontation between #NATO and #Russia

Will this be the end of humanity? Because no side can come out of this with clear victory. And the biggest losers are the people of the 3rd world who ultimately paying for this madness. And us who see our countries pay to escalate this war, in the name of hypocritical defense of "democracy" and "western values".

#StopTheWar #PeaceNow #Militarism


Multiple eyewitness reports from Iraq showing movement of tanks and armored vehicles towards Syria and US basesein #Iraq.

Above that, some 20 helicopters were seen moving forward n and out of this US embassy in #Baghdad.

This is on top of the 2500 troops #Biden has ordered to be sent to Iraq and #Syria.

Some reports mention US preparing for a military confrontation with the Russian troops in Syria, others say that the reinforcement is part of the Biden's plan to confront Iran that is trying to disrupt the US theft of Syrian oil in the past few days.

Last week, #Qaani, the commander of #IRGC task force who replaced General #Soleimani, the assassinated leader of the group by the order of #Trump almost 3,5 years ago. Qaani seems to have talked with various Shia militia in Iraq asking them to stop provoking Americans to prevent US using that as an excuse to attack Syria and Iran in coordition with #Israel.

#Russia #Politics #Militarism #GoodOccupation


#Israel says #Arrow-3 missile-killer sale to #Germany approved by U.S.

The United States approved a $3.5 billion sale of Israel's Arrow-3 missile defence system to Germany on Thursday, clearing the way for delivery in 2025 and full operational deployment by 2030, Israeli officials said.

The U.S. is a partner in the Arrow project, which was developed jointly by the Israel Missile Defence Organisation and the United States Missile Defense Agency.

The Germany deal, which would be Israel's biggest ever defence sale, follows a European arms build-up in response to #Russia's war in #Ukraine.

#Apartheid #BDS #Militarism #Europe #BoycotIsrael #StopApartheid

🔗 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-says-arrow-3-missile-killer-sale-germany-approved-by-us-2023-08-17/


A year ago / vor einem Jahr
@taschenlampe@despora.de posted With following tags
#war #ukraine #russia #desertation #stopthewar #solidarity #militarism #peacenow #ceasefirenow #strike #refugeeswelcome

Der russische Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine bedient sich dabei auch der Logik sogenannter „humanitärer Interventionen“, wie sie seitens der EU, der USA und der Nato in Jugoslawien, Afghanistan oder in Libyen erfolgt sind. Spätestens der Krieg in Syrien waren dann auch für Russland und das Nato-Mitglied Türkei die Blaupause und der Modellfall, um auf ähnliche Weise nach einer neuen postkolonialen Ordnung und Aufteilung von Regionen in Einflusssphären zu streben.

Das kurdische Projekt für Basisdemokratie und Emanzipation in den Autonomiegebieten wurden in diesem Machtspiel von den USA und Europa verraten und fallengelassen. Es musste auf seine eigenen Kräfte vertrauen, erst im Kampf gegen den IS und bis heute gegen die militärischen Angriffe und Landnahmeversuche der Türkei. Die EU-Grenzen wurden vor Geflüchteten aus diesen Kriegszonen inzwischen dauerhaft abgeschottet. Am Mittelmeer herrscht ein grausames Regime der Abschreckung, das jährlich tausende Tote fordert.

Nationalismus und Aufrüstung sind nie, gerade auch nicht angesichts dieser Zustände, eine emanzipatorische gesellschaftliche Antwort. Sie bieten keine Perspektive über das Elend hinaus, im Gegenteil, sie Schreiben es fort und verschärfen es. Insbesondere die Militarisierung des öffentlichen Diskurses und die Aufrüstung in Deutschland lehnen wir ab. Statt auf noch mehr deutsche Waffen zu hoffen, die nur kapitalistische Konkurrenz, globales Wettrüsten und regionale Konflikte weiter befördern, liegt unsere Perspektive auf Desertation und der Demontage von allem Kriegsgerät. Nicht mit Nationen sind wir solidarisch, sondern mit sozialen Kämpfen und allen Menschen auf der Flucht.

Die Ukraine hat als Antwort auf den russischen Angriff erklärt, die Grenzen für alle „wehrfähigen“ Männer von 18 bis 60 Jahren zu schließen, um sie für den Kriegsdienst zwangszuverpflichten. Wir fordern offene Grenzen und solidarisieren uns mit allen Deserteur*innen und Fahnenflüchtigen, die sich der Kriegslogik entziehen, ob aus Russland, der Ukraine oder anderen Ländern.


Another one, Not From The Onion : The perception of wokeness is turning off people who otherwise are positive about military service - JungianThings

The other causes of the military recruiting woes:

  1. Gen Z is 25% smaller than Gen Y
  2. GENESIS is weeding out perfectly good recruits
  3. Covid closed schools; some didn’t reopen to recruiters
  4. You medicated your kid
  5. Your kid is morbidly obese
  6. Kid smokes weed
  7. Kid is too dumb

📝 The changing racial composition of America excludes some innate traits held by the minority populations from reaching White-made military standards. Also, non-whites care less about civic duties in the US, such as voting or polling. The same may apply to military service for one's country when they feel no real fidelity to a new land they entered for economic opportunities and not blood & soil.


#Politics #NotTheOnion #Military #WTAF #Militarism


Plan that started with breaking Greece economy, create massive flow of refugees was completed with Ukraine war : Europe’s Economic Engine Is Breaking Down — Germany is at risk of a long, slow decline — with consequences for the whole of the EU.

Decades of flawed energy policy, the demise of combustion-engine cars and a sluggish transition to new technologies are converging to pose the most fundamental threat to the nation’s prosperity since reunification. But unlike in 1990, the political class lacks the leadership to tackle structural issues gnawing at the heart of the country’s competitiveness.

While Berlin has shown a knack for overcoming crises in the past, the question now is whether it can pursue a sustained strategy. The prospect looks remote. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s make-shift coalition has reverted to petty infighting over everything from debt and spending to heat pumps and speed limits as soon as the risks of energy shortfalls eased.

But the warning signals are getting hard to ignore. Despite Scholz telling Bloomberg in January that Germany would ride out Russia’s energy squeeze without a recession this year, data published Thursday show that the economy has in fact been contracting since October and has only expanded twice in the past five quarters.
#Europe #Economy #Rexession #DisasterCapitalism #Capitalism #US #EU #Greece #Libya #Syria #Iraq #Refigees #Ukraine #Russia #NATO #Militarism



The militarized portion of this year’s federal discretionary budget is by far its largest single component. And yet the same legislators demanding billions in savings have vowed to exempt that militarized spending from any cuts. Instead, they’ve targeted the much smaller portion that funds human and community needs for even deeper cuts.
In FY 2023, out of a $1.8 trillion federal discretionary budget, $1.1 trillion — or 62 percent— was for militarized programs.
That includes war and weapons, law enforcement and mass incarceration, and detention and deportation.
Less than $2 out of every $5 in federal discretionary spending was available to fund investment in people and communities.
This investments include primary and secondary public education, housing programs, child care programs, federal disaster relief, environmental programs, and scientific research.
Since 2001, the U.S. has added $2 to the discretionary budget for militarism for every $1 added to invest in communities.
The U.S. spent $16 on the military and war for every $1 that was spent on diplomacy and humanitarian foreign aid.
The U.S. spent $51.1 billion for homeland security, approximately half of which goes to ICE ($8.8 billion) and CBP ($17.4 billion). These are the agencies responsible for deportations, family separations, and violent apprehension at the southern border. That’s nearly three times spending on substance abuse and mental health programs ($7.5 billion), even as opioid use remains a major cause of death.
The harm these programs have done is compounded by the parallel failure to invest in other urgent needs and crises.
Check out our new research that exposes the full extent of militarized spending today: “THE WARFARE STATE: HOW FUNDING FOR MILITARISM COMPROMISES OUR WELFARE”

#Politics #Economy #Militarism #USBudget


U.S. resumes production of nuclear warheads for the first time since 1989

This is stated in the message of the National Nuclear Security Administration.

"80 #plutonium cores will be produced annually. Work is also planned to extend the service life of the B61-12 nuclear bombs deployed in #Europe and to modernize the #warheads of the #Trident II intercontinental #ballistic #missiles deployed on submarines."
#US #NuclearWeapons #Militarism #Idiocracy


#US, #UK, #Australia Unveil #AUKUS Nuclear-Powered #Submarine Deal - Australia expects the plan to cost up to $245 billion by 2055

Australia will purchase up to five conventionally armed, nuclear powered US submarines starting early in the 2030s followed a decade later by production of a new class of “SSN Aukus” nuclear-powered submarines developed in partnership with the US and Britain to counter China’s growing regional footprint, American officials said.

The formal announcement by President Joe #Biden, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Prime Minister Anthony #Albanese in San Diego on Monday comes 18 months after the three nations unveiled a military alliance dubbed Aukus that has stoked Beijing’s ire.#

#Britain #submarines #Militarism #Politics #China