The Jupiter/Saturn Road Map 2024
#Astrology By Lauren

Know also that change is not always welcome. And know that even after November, when #Pluto is fully seated in the sign of #Aquarius, the old guard from the Pluto in #Capricorn era will still be holding on. But only barely.

Old habits die hard. Old regimes continue to vie for control Vestiges from bygone eras will continue to try to insinuate themselves into our lives, as they long for a past that we have long since outgrown. There can be fear with change: Fear of becoming irrelevant; Fear that all that we had worked so hard to create is subject to destruction; perhaps even fear of destruction of all that we knew. And so we desperately cling to what once was, and what we were familiar with.

And as we stand here at the very last degree of Capricorn, we stand on this threshold between one era and the next. And it can feel a little scary. And it can be hard to let go. Pluto can be a metaphor for death and destruction. But it is also a symbol for birth and renewal.

Over the past 15 years, what valuable lessons have I learned? What achievements have I contributed to? What have I helped to build?

What are we still holding on to that we no longer need, and is only holding us back, and preventing us from growing?

What traditions or outmoded ideas are no longer relevant to us as a whole?

What are those things in society that are no longer sustainable?

What are the traditions and customs that are worth saving, and help to further support and define our values?

How can I best share what I have learned with others? Or make it more meaningful?

On January 20th both the Sun and Pluto will enter Aquarius.

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