1 Qorinthíym 13 (1 Corinthians 13)

Affectionate love is absolutely essential for manifestations of the spirit
1. If I speak in all the languages of the sons of the dirt-man (’âthâ ́m) and of the envoys, but do not have affectionate love, I have become a roaring brass bell or a clanging cymbal.
2. Even if I possess predication, and discern all secrets and all of the knowledge, and if I possess all of the certainty so as to remove mountains, but
do not have affectionate love, I mean nothing.
3. Even if I give away in food all of my possessions, or if I give over my body in order that I may be burned, but do not have affectionate love, I am profited nothing!
4. Affectionate love suffers long, demonstrates kindness; affectionate love is not envious; affectionate love does not boast of itself, is not haughty,
5. it does not act inappropriately, it isn’t selfish, is not incited to rage, doesn’t keep a record of wrongs,
6. it does not rejoice at the injustice, and rejoices with the Truth!
7. It withstands all things, trusts all things, hopes all things, and endures all things,
8. affectionate love never drops out. Now whether there are predictions, they shall be rendered obsolete; whether there are languages, they shall cease; whether there is knowledge, it shall be rendered useless;
9. For we partially know, and we partially predicate,
10. but when the Perfected One might come, then that which is partial shall be rendered useless.
11. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I thought as a child, I reasoned as a child; but when I became a man, I did away with these childish things!
12. For we see Him in enigmas through a mirror right now, but then, face to Face! Right now I partially know Him, but then I shall know Him just as also I have been known!
13. For then, just these three things remain: belief, hope, and affectionate love; and the greatest of these is affectionate love.

#Yahweh #Saviour #Savior #Yahuwshua #happiness #grace #mercy #obedience #love

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