Why Kamala Harris Must Break the Cycle of Unlawful and Abusive Government Surveillance

The ACLU is calling on a Harris-Walz Administration to halt civil liberties harms caused by the government’s spying on and discriminating against Americans in the U.S. and abroad.


Since this nation’s founding, the executive branch has been granted — or has claimed — immense power to enforce the law, including the power to surveil, investigate, and impose criminal or other sanctions that deprive individuals of their freedoms. Today, national security agencies — including those with law enforcement, intelligence, homeland security, and defense functions — combine their expansive authorities with unprecedented digital tools that peer into our lives and collect immense amounts of information about us.

And don't forget the role of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple in all of this. We are living through a War Against Privacy^TM^.

#privacy #security #surveillance #aclu #american-civil-liberties-union #harris #walz #government-surveillance #nsa #fbi #fisa #civil-liberties

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