

Why Kamala Harris Must Break the Cycle of Unlawful and Abusive Government Surveillance

The ACLU is calling on a Harris-Walz Administration to halt civil liberties harms caused by the government’s spying on and discriminating against Americans in the U.S. and abroad.


Since this nation’s founding, the executive branch has been granted — or has claimed — immense power to enforce the law, including the power to surveil, investigate, and impose criminal or other sanctions that deprive individuals of their freedoms. Today, national security agencies — including those with law enforcement, intelligence, homeland security, and defense functions — combine their expansive authorities with unprecedented digital tools that peer into our lives and collect immense amounts of information about us.

And don't forget the role of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple in all of this. We are living through a War Against Privacy^TM^.

#privacy #security #surveillance #aclu #american-civil-liberties-union #harris #walz #government-surveillance #nsa #fbi #fisa #civil-liberties


The US isn’t just reauthorizing its surveillance laws – it’s vastly expanding them

The Guardian

A little-known amendment to the reauthorized version of Fisa would enlarge the government’s surveillance powers to a drastic, draconian degree.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Capitol

The US House of Representatives agreed to reauthorize a controversial spying law known as Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act last Friday without any meaningful reforms, dashing hopes that Congress might finally put a stop to intelligence agencies’ warrantless surveillance of Americans’ emails, text messages and phone calls.

The vote not only reauthorized the act, though; it also vastly expanded the surveillance law enforcement can conduct. In a move that Senator Ron Wyden condemned as “terrifying”, the House also doubled down on a surveillance authority that has been used against American protesters, journalists and political donors in a chilling assault on free speech. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #surveillance #mass_surveillance #nsa #fisa #government_surveillance #spying_law #Foreign_Intelligence_Surveillance_Act #privacy #human_rights


US Domestic Surveillance Disclosures pre-dating Edward Snowden's Revelations

Asking for sources of any current activities met with some resistance at HN. Challenged for any awareness of pre-Snowden programmes, I listed a few I was aware of, off the top of my head:

Regards pre-Snowden, the situation was far more than an "open secret", there were multiple documented projects and methods employed. Among them:

There were very strong suspicions around the TIA (total information awareness) and USA PATRIOT ACT (2003, 2001). I recall much chatter about this at the time, and the related FISA court, though little by way of specific details of technological measures and methods involved.

Carnivore, a WinNT workstation-based tool, disclosed ~2000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnivore_(software)

There are telephnic data retention programmes, including MAINWAY (revealed in 2006), containing an estimated over 1.9 trillion call-detail records, and


Project ECHELON, with disclosures of varying aspects from 1972 -- 2000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON

There are earlier periods, notably addressed by the FBI's own COINTELPRO archives (https://vault.fbi.gov/cointel-pro), though for my purposes I'm considering "modern" projects to be circa 1990 onwards. (COINTELPRO and the Church Committee hearings resulted in substantial changes, at least publically, to US domestic surveillance).

And I've compiled a long list of pre-1990 references of concerns regarding significant technologists who'd warned of the risks of information technology as a tool of surveillance and control, largely as no such list seemed extant: https://toot.cat/@dredmorbius/105074933053020193

I'm well aware that documentation of clandestine and national security issues is difficult to come by, see the TK case for one reason why that is.

But that's also why specific documentation is so valuable and why I'd requested that.

Adapted from an HN comment:
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27184956 )

#surveillance #SurveillanceState #SurveillanceCapitalism #NSA #CIA #FBI #Carnivore #ECHELON #PatriotAct #FISA #MAINWAY #Room614A #ATT #MarkKlein #WilliamBinney #RussellTice #Hemisphere #EdwardSnowden #COINTELPRO #ChurchCommittee


Glenn Greenwald goes full retard: "How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler"

Greenwald's argument hinges on emotion, insinuation, invective, a completely unfounded premise, an absolute absence of evidence, and no consideration of alternative explanations: an overwhelmingly plausible ongoing law enforcement and national security operation, likely under sealed or classified indictments or warrants, in the face of ongoing deadly sedition lead by the President of the United States himself, including against the person of his own vice president and credible threats against the President-Elect and Inauguration.

Such an legal action is, of course, extraordinarily difficult to prove, and I cannot prove it. A key clue for me, however, is the defection not just of Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Stripe, and other tech firms, but of Parler's legal counsel, who would have to be an exceptionally stealth-mode startup to fit Greenwald's, or other's, "it's the tech monopolists" narrative. I've tempered my degree of assurance and language ("plausible" rather than "probable"). Time will tell. But a keen and critical mind such as Grenwald's should at least be weighing the possibility. He instead seems bent only on piking old sworn enemies, with less evidence or coherence than I offer.

This is the crux of Greenwald's argument. It's all he's got:

On Thursday, Parler was the most popular app in the United States. By Monday, three of the four Silicon Valley monopolies united to destroy it.

I'm no friend of the tech monopolists myself. The power demonstrated here does concern me, greatly. I've long railed against Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple, among other tech monopolists. Largely because as monopolies they are power loci acting through their occupation of a common resource, outside common control, and not serving the common weal. Hell: Facebook, Google (YouTube), Reddit, and Twitter played a massive role in creating the current fascist insurrection in the US, along with even more enthusiastic aid and comfort from traditional media, across the spectrum. Damage that will take decades to repair, if ever.

But, if my hypothesis is correct, the alternative explanation would bet he opposite of this: the state asserting power over and through monopolies in the common interest, in support of democratic principles, for the common weal. And that I can support.

I don't know that this is the case. I find it curious that I seem to be the only voice suggesting it. Time should tell.

And after this is over, yes, Silicon Valley, in its metonymic sense standing for the US and global tech industry, has to face its monopoly problem, its free speech problem (in both sincere and insincere senses), its surveillance problem (capitalist, state, criminal, rogue actor), its censorship problem, its propaganda problem (mass and computational), its targeted manipulation adtech problem, its trust problem, its identity problem, its truth and disinformation problems, its tax avoidance problem, its political influence problem.

Virtually all of which are inherent aspects of monopoly: "Propaganda, censorship, and surveillance are all attributes of monopoly" https://joindiaspora.com/posts/7bfcf170eefc013863fa002590d8e506
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24771470

But, speaking as a space alien cat myself, Greenwald is so far off base here he's exited the Galaxy.

HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25747659

#GoingFullRetard #GlennGreenwald #parler #TheGreatDeplatforming #fascism #Jan6Coup #Apple #Google #Facebook #Amazon #Reddit #Twitter #FISA #FBI #DoJ


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I just finished reading “Permanent Records” by Ed Snowden. Very interesting read and pretty well written.
The stuff he talks about is obviously shocking beyond measure and I can’t believe people are still very comfortable using media and communication devices as if all was well.

I feel so amazed that he decided to go through with his plan knowing the unavoidable consequences. He really did all this in a way as to make sure the stories he was bringing would be the main topic instead of himself.

One passage really marked me when he explains how, when the day of his actions were closing by, he got a sense of “finality” and he realised that those were the last times he would meet so and so, and had to say silent goodbyes in the depth of his heart...

Read it!

#permanentrecord #edwardsnowden #snowden #onlineprivacy #onlineanonimity #statecontrol #fisa #civilliberties #whistleblower #courage #hero