So I finally got the raised bed planter filled with soil mix.
Went to my favorite local garden center and picked up some veggie plants.
I missed my usual pea planting date by a month, but they had some pre started sugar snap plants, so I picked up a couple.
Also got my lettuce mix, banana peppers, and a couple bush cherry tomato plants. One I had success with last year has clusters of small grape sized that kept going until first frost.
I also got a couple shishito peppers. I hope I have the same success with them this year. The last time I got almost 20kg of peppers from three plants.

They had a big selection of plants and I picked up a couple Geraniums for the front step. Jennifer liked to have plants on the steps.
I can't believe how sad I got planting them. They will be beautiful and well tended.
#Gardening #Projects #MoodOfTheDay