I wrote another letter to Stuff about their reporting or more to the point about their telegraph article.

I need to stop sending these things when I am emotional as my grammar is crap and I even forgot to fill out the subject line in the email

they are so pro-war I am saddened

Tragically I am force to write to you again Stuff

About this article there are some errors in it.


For a start the title seems a little bit over the top as Putin and General Valery Gerasimov did not threaten to use a dirty bomb but instead warned against it's use. These are two different things

There was one large error though

It is noted in this article exactly what a dirty bomb is to quote

The radioactive material in a dirty bomb does not have to be the extremely pure uranium or plutonium found in atomic weapons but could come from any of the many radioactive sources used in medicine and industry.

In a dirty bomb explosion the contaminated material will generally go only as far as the explosion will allow it. Fine particles may travel on the wind, but to have a significant impact a huge amount of radioactive material would be needed.

Yet it went on to claim that

On April 7, 2018, Syrian forces backed by the Russian army carried out a false flag dirty bomb attack when chemical weapons were used in the city of Douma.

This is not true as this was a possible chemical attack but not a dirty bomb. There are allegations that it was just a conventional bombing and that rebel forces released gas to fake a chemical attack but again this is all unknown as it was in a war zone with many people seeking to use it for propaganda and potentially draw America into the war.

one thing it was not was a dirty bomb.

The intercept has a reasonable article on the attack


You need to get better sources then the mouth piece for a dying country living in an imperial fantasy.

Also I am concerned that you disregard the consequences of your promotion of propaganda. From my poor calculations I came up with 200000 dead Ukrainian soldiers and I have heard up to 300000. Russia has mobilized up to 500000 from one report. Ukraine is bleeding to death and will lose in the end and all we get from your unit is state issued public relations. There are American forces in Romania ready to attack, Russia knows this and is building for this eventuality, even Jens Stoltenberg admitted if Ukraine loses NATO loses. What do you think this leads to?

This war could easily spin to total nuclear war within weeks yet your information unit, I can't call it a media organization, just promotes war at every step or worse some bland calming pap to hid the reality.

By refusing to give balance and seek the truth you are effectively participating in a crime against humanity.

If there is a nuclear war I won't come looking for you to berate you as I, along with the rest of humanity who survive in initial blasts, will have other more pressing matters but I do hope you think about who you work for and how much they pay you for your soul.


#ukraine #propaganda