

Pretty pricey deal, that. I just wonder how long that's sustainable.

Hanse Mina - 2024-04-27 02:15:10 GMT

Russian firms' efforts to make payments for goods in #China as secondary sanctions fears spook local banks have generated a flourishing market for middlemen, four sources told Reuters, with up to half of transactions now handled by intermediaries."There are a lot of (Russian) businessmen who just go from bank to bank, opening current accounts," said one of the sources. "If their payment doesn't go through, they go to the next one."


#Ukraine #Russia #US


Osteuropa-Workshop und die Ukraine: Nehmen und Geben

Viele Ukrai­ne­r:in­nen glauben, dass von einem Beitritt ihres Landes zur Europäischen Union auch Europa profitieren wird.#Russland #Ukraine #Odessa #Osteuropa–einGedankenaustausch #Europa #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Osteuropa-Workshop und die Ukraine: Nehmen und Geben


Taras Bilous ist ein ukrainischer Historiker und Essayist, der seit Beginn der russischen Aggression in der ukrainischen Armee kämpft. Derzeit dient er einige Dutzend Kilometer von der Frontlinie entfernt. Bilous ist einer der sichtbarsten Vertreter der ukrainischen Linken, Mitglied der Gruppe Soziale Bewegung (Sozialnyi Ruch) und Redakteur der Online-Zeitschrift Commons (Спільне). Im Ausland ist er vor allem durch seine Essays “Ein Brief an die westliche Linke aus Kiew” und “Ich bin ein ukrainischer Sozialist. Warum ich mich gegen die russische Invasion wehre” bekannt geworden.


#Ukraine #Linke


Lage der Nation #LdN #Major #Russland #Ukraine #Krieg #fuckPutin #Terror #Patriot-Systeme


"….wenn wir einen Nachbarn haben wie Russland, der bereit ist mit Krieg führen seine Interessen durchzusetzen, müssen wir überlegen, was wir machen – wie wir uns schützen.
Ja, wir müssen wieder lernen militärische Gewalt wahrzunehmen …….
Das heißt, daß wir anerkennen müssen, daß andere Staaten nach anderen Rationalitäten und mit anderen Mitteln handeln.
Russland hat in den letzten 30 Jahren gelernt, daß es mit Krieg führen seine Ziele erreichen kann: In Tschetschenien, in Georgien, in der Ukraine, in Syrien und Libyen. Und deshalb ist es aus russischer Sicht nachvollziehbar, das auch mit Blick auf die Ukraine anzuwenden…."


Going into below zero territory, are we. Well, as Carol Burnett pointed out in Fade In Fade Out, "There's always one step further down you can go".

Hanse Mina - 2024-04-26 02:13:25 GMT

#Russia is considering downgrading the level of its diplomatic relations with the #US if Western governments go ahead with proposals to confiscate its frozen assets, state news agency RIA quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei #Ryabkov as saying on Thursday."We are now studying the optimal form of reaction, where countermeasures include actions against the assets of our Western opponents as well as diplomatic response measures."


#Ukraine #G7 #EU


🎙️GLUCKSMANN LE MYTHO, #EUROPE 2.0 & #GUERRE EN #UKRAINE (avec #GeorgesKuzmanovic) [ #PCAT #S03E19]


00:00:00 - Dans cet épisode
00:01:49 - Introduction
00:03:28 - Partie 1 : Comment #Macron tente de rendre impossible les petits #candidats aux #européennes
00:29:31 - Partie 2 : #Glucksmann n'est pas un camarade
00:38:37 - Partie 3 : Le #conflit en Ukraine : réponses aux détracteurs
00:50:57 - Partie 4 : Comment Macron veut accélérer le #fédéralisme #européen
01:18:33 - Partie 5 : Que voulez-vous faire au #parlement européen ?
01:27:48 - Conclusion



The Media Lens Chamber Of Propaganda Horrors – An Appeal For Support

Media Lens

Tourists visiting Spanish cities like Córdoba, Toledo and Sevilla have the option of whiling away an hour or so at a ‘Museum of the Inquisition’, sometimes known as a ‘Gallery of Torture’. For around three euros, visitors can view an exotic range of devices used to impale, immolate, strangle and dismember human beings in the name of God.

It’s tempting to reassure ourselves that these are relics of a far-distant past, horrors that could never happen now.

(Text continues underneath the illustration.)

Illustration depicting burning at the stake

But did the Dark Ages ever really end? Noam Chomsky commented:

‘Part of the tragedy of the Palestinians is that they have essentially no international support. For a good reason – they don’t have wealth, they don’t have power. So they don’t have rights. It’s the way the world works – your rights correspond to your power and your wealth.’

It is indeed the way the world works. It is also the way the medieval world worked. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #news #propaganda #censorship #corporate_media #gaza #israel #iran #palestine #palestinians #russia #ukraine #news #media #news_media #journalism #journalist


Britain will send Paveway IV bombs to Ukraine, BBC reports.

Paveway IV is a dual GPS/laser guided bomb weighing 227 kg (500 lb).

It is a guidance kit based on the existing Enhanced Paveway II Enhanced Computer Control Group (ECCG) added to a modified Mk 82 general purpose bomb.

The Paveway IV has a maximum range of over 30 km, depending on the drop altitude, speed and trajectory.

#Ukraine #UK #UkraineWar #Military #Russia


Also to #NAFO which will give you a nice Shiba Fella avatar pic to your specs.

Eugene McParland 🇺🇦 - 2024-04-24 04:28:05 GMT

The official #Ukraine #charity, UNITED24 continue to publish photos of donors with the Ukrainian flag 🇺🇦Photos with the blue and yellow flag 🇺🇦 are sent in to them from across the world - Chile, Mexico, Japan, Australia and many other countries.

Ukraine is grateful to every donor

Watch (12 Second) Insta Reel Source: U24 Gov UA

Stand with Ukraine


I suppose the Fediverse has noticed the addition of a pro-China South China press thingie posting on here. I'm keeping an eye on it and I'm sure those who follow me have noticed me boosting a toot or two of theirs; that's because I found their take of a given situation or other an anomaly of their usual position on things.

Hanse Mina - 2024-04-24 03:33:52 GMT

The Axis of UpheavalHow #America’s Adversaries Are Uniting to Overturn the Global Order.

The support from #China, #Iran, and North Korea has strengthened #Russia’s position on the battlefield, undermined Western attempts to isolate #Moscow, and harmed #Ukraine.




‘Intelligence Updates’

Social media is a core component of the Imaginary War. Academic research shows #Twitter is home to a massive pro-Ukraine bot army, endlessly pumping out pro-Kiev, anti-Russian messaging. The same is no doubt true of every #social-media platform. This helps create the illusion of nigh-universal support for #Ukraine globally, when outside the West, populations and governments are either neutral, or outright supportive of #Russia, perceiving the conflict to be a strike against #NATO, and Western imperialism.

“This is supposed to be a David and Goliath story. But David and Goliath is a crap story if the giant wins…Predictable, a bit disheartening and not really a story at all, just the way the world works. Besides, a Western audience wants to see the good guy win, both to mete out justice and to enjoy victory by proxy. Ukraine’s anguishing self-defence is not a novel. But it’s not satisfying our fictional appetites.”



Le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères, Dmytro Kouleba, indique que des "mesures" pour faire rentrer en Ukraine ses ressortissants hommes en âge de combattre allaient bientôt être prises. "Séjourner à l'étranger ne dispense pas un citoyen de ses devoirs envers sa patrie"

La France va t elle renvoyer en Ukraine les citoyens ukrainiens en âge de combattre. Ce serait quand même mieux que d'y envoyer des français. :) Enfin, il me semble....

#{guerre #zelensky #macron #poutine #ukraine #russie