#Interview with a Fully #Conscious #UFO #Contactee – Pt 3: #Extraterrestrials I Have Met

#DollySafran, a nurse and Army D.O.D employee from Florida, has experienced a lifetime of UFO contact. While her experiences were initially shrouded in missing time, at age fourteen she experienced an encounter that would change her life forever. From that point on, Dolly remembered her UFO contacts fully consciously. She has since had thousands of contacts and experienced a wide variety of encounters. In Part One of this series, we explored Dolly’s encounters up to age fourteen. In Part Two, we presented the many UFO photographs and films Dolly was able to capture. Now, in Part Three, we explore the many different types of extraterrestrials Dolly has encountered.

Published 9th September 2022 (1:12:35)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=w1m2MyW7We8

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