

#Interview with a Fully #Conscious #UFO #Contactee Part One: The #Awakening

Quote Late one evening in January of 1973, fourteen-year-old #DollySafran (who lived near the Everglades in Florida) looked outside her window to observe more than fifty star-like objects swarming overhead. As they began to dart off in different directions, one of these objects dropped down and hovered at treetop level behind her house. The object now revealed itself to be a solid metallic craft, with portholes. And through the portholes, Dolly was shocked to see two short, gray-skinned figures with large dark eyes and huge black heads. Aliens, she realized, and they were looking right at her! She turned to dive under her bed. At that moment, her room exploded in a brilliant blue light ...
Published 3rd June 2022 (1:08:09)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=XnEVR9x3oaY


#Interview With a Fully #Conscious #UFO #Contactee Part Two: The Photographic Evidence

In May of 2022, after decades of remaining silent, #DollySafran went public with her experiences as a lifelong fully conscious UFO contactee. As a very young child, Dolly had several encounters involving missing time. Then, in 1973, at age 14, she was taken onboard a craft from her home in the Florida Everglades, and was able to remember the entire event without the aid of hypnosis.

Since then, she has had more than a thousand fully conscious onboard UFO encounters. She has been taken onboard large motherships, seen a wide variety of extraterrestrials, traveled throughout the solar system and even to other planets. Her story is one of the most extensive cases of UFO contact on record.

For many years, Dolly had tried to obtain photographs and films of the UFOs, but like most contactees, she discovered it was no easy task. In fact, it's very rare that contactees are able to obtain good photographic evidence. But when Dolly decided to go public with her experiences, she asked the ETs if they would allow themselves to be filmed. To her delight, the ETs agreed. In Part One of this series, Dolly described her UFO encounters up to age fourteen. Now, in Part Two, Dolly shares the many photographs and videos she has been able to obtain of the UFO craft.

Published 8th July 2022 (1:15:21)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=d8hf1j-kTzA


#Interview with a Fully #Conscious #UFO #Contactee – Pt 3: #Extraterrestrials I Have Met

#DollySafran, a nurse and Army D.O.D employee from Florida, has experienced a lifetime of UFO contact. While her experiences were initially shrouded in missing time, at age fourteen she experienced an encounter that would change her life forever. From that point on, Dolly remembered her UFO contacts fully consciously. She has since had thousands of contacts and experienced a wide variety of encounters. In Part One of this series, we explored Dolly’s encounters up to age fourteen. In Part Two, we presented the many UFO photographs and films Dolly was able to capture. Now, in Part Three, we explore the many different types of extraterrestrials Dolly has encountered.

Published 9th September 2022 (1:12:35)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=w1m2MyW7We8