Not My King: it’s not a crime to say it

The Tory's Fascist Kingdom has arrived

Protest organisers at King Charles’ coronation have been arrested, and placards confiscated.

The protest was all legal and agreed with the police, but organisers were arrested on their arrival. It is the latest in a series of state over-reaches trying to stop awkward questions about the UK’s new, unelected head of state.

Scotland Yard later said “several” arrests had been made for breach of the peace and conspiracy to cause public disorder.

#ToryFascistDictatorship #fascism #DemocracyNotAutocracy #protest #coronation #Republic #PoliceState #FreeSpeech #freedom #DemocracyLost #UnitedKingdom #England #ToryScum #dystopia #DystopianBritain #dystopian #1984 #Orwell #OrwellWasRight