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#Hasta #Nakshatra In #Astrology
Whenever the sun rises in the dawn, its first ray is visible in the golden coloured in the sky, which represents #Savitr. This is because Savitr also has a golden tongue and body. Whichever things get in contact with Savitr, it turns into light. This means that natives born under this Nakshatra possess the natural power to remove all the tamas qualities. Savitr is believed to reside in the sacred thread, which is usually worn by brahmins.

As per mythology, Savitr helps to get rid of darkness, ignorance, lethargy and all other negativities. Gayatri mantra is an invocation to this deity, who can bestow inspiration to perform daily activities. So chanting the Gayatri mantra can be very auspicious when it comes to performing noble activities. It is denoted as light because this Nakshatra brings light to our dark world. Natives of Hasta Nakshatras can create incredible things using their hands, such as sculpture, drawing, art, carvings, etc.

Hasta Nakshatra is ‘Chhitra’ and ‘Laghu’ Nakshatra, which indicates swiftness and light. Native with Hasta Nakshatra has a unique capability to get desired results in a decisive manner. This Nakshatra is the heart of Virgo, the zodiac sign which is ruled by Mercury and therefore, it is associated with intelligence.

Native can be very secretive, and there will also be a tinge of trickery. The symbol clenched fist means holding something back, which could be secrecy. This Nakshatra also indicates the lack of trust in this Nakshatra.

In the zodiac wheel, Hasta Nakshatra is connected to the Virgo sign.

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