The boss man came up tonight to help me out with a light issue. I said "wow, what a moustache, you should be serving coffee in Melbourne." He was polite regardless. Later, during my autistic replay of the whole interaction it occurred to me that 'you have a moustache worthy of a barista ' might not be the compliment I thought it was. My Footscray infused life. Heh.

I'm returning home in the morning to a place where I can be my super freak self and the weirder the better, as it all adds to local colour.

I've had a great time here. I always love the bush I just still don't know where I really belong.

And I've yet to meet people I can really jive with, but the lady chef here came pretty bloody close. Trust a Punjabi Sikh to be that cool 😎

#worldview #autism #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #sociallyawkwardtypicals #generalweirdness #goodnightfam

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