Was Difficult To Imagine Otherwise.

#Ukraine #Russia #war #Moscow #West #Andrei #Martyanov

"I want to remind people who continuously worry about Russia somehow yielding to combined West and starting negotiations. Apart from the obvious ad nauseam statements from Moscow that the West is not ready to negotiate, keep in mind this critical clause--with the consideration of the realities on the ground(c). This is critical, because this is the condition which terrifies West (nobody counts 404 and what it wants), because it is the doorway to de jure unconditional surrender. I am not talking about just geography, I am talking about operational-strategic situation on the theater of operations and we know now that the West exhausted its resources completely. It was de-fanged in the most brutal and merciless manner. It still can send a few tanks or artillery pieces here and there, but proverbial COFM (Correlation of Forces and Means) is decisively on Russia's side."



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