No Earthquake Updates for a while - #Internet shut down & MAKING NEW #EARTHQUAKE PROGRAM
Premiered Oct 28, 2023

( #Dutch says he hasn't had recent death threats yet, so apparently Cryptoalchemist was wrong about that, but Dutch doesn't doubt they could be coming.

But his work is being severely curtailed now by those who would prefer he keep silent, and he lists just who that is in this report.
(Not a good link for Elon, since Starlink is in that list.)
He says he's not giving up, even if he has to do it all on his own dime (but I don't think that will be necessary as he is much loved by many fans).
Though the new venue will probably be attacked as well. )

"Starlink off
Cable off
Fiber off
Mobile not an option
Now using an old DSL connection not capable of even watching things in HD let alone streaming.

Can't get quake information easily, and can not upload hour long videos either.

This is being done most likely by 'official' sources, I don't think its a kid in a basement doing it.

My life has not been threatened directly (this time so far). But I wouldn't put it past the people doing this to resort to such things, in the past, previous groups (people) have done so when the denial of access is thwarted or I attempt to go around the roadblocks put in place.

I can't prove its the gov doing it, but who else could go this far, and this long without being "caught"?

That all being said, I'm making a new earthquake program to replace any I previously used, something that looks and works better, is more secure, and in the 21st century when it comes to features.

I will post updates on the status of my project to make a new earthquake program which shows the earthquakes live from multiple agencies.

MUCH #LOVE Desperate times call for desperate measures. Making my own earthquake program was on the last of my 'things to do list". Now it is at the top of the list instead of the bottom."
