#Coffee #Espresso #Home

Some time in my coffee journey ago i came to that spot of making acceptable espresso/lungo & Americano without having real bad results.
I could even say that most results are worthy of enjoyment.
Things i learned while traveling the bumpy Coffee Bean road, not all beans are equal.
I found out the hard way (and most expensive way) that I do .NOT. like so called 'natural' beans (not washed but the fruit is fermented to free the bean) as i really dislike the funky aftertaste that lingers after each sip.
3 batches later i learned, that is what i meant with expensive.
Also Anaerobic fermented coffee is in that same category, it has less of a funky taste, but, for me (YMMV) it tastes enough 'off' to be unpleasant.
2 batches, sigh, you would think one would be enough eh?
So now washed coffee.
Not all are in my taste range, and the variety of taste of different regions and countries is enormous!
So now I am at the start of my road again, but with less Crossroads to travel.

Oh, and that picture?

We went on a trip, to see some ancient gardening projects that were saved and maintained, and the restaurant served espresso, so I thought lets compare it with my own stumblings.

Well, if i do say so myself, mine are way way WAY better.
If those beans were fresh roasts I eat my socks, and way to darkly roasted.
I also suspect that the machine needs Temperature surfing, and the busy lunch crowd made that impossible, so the coffee tasted slightly burned, very unpleasant.

Yep another lesson, stay away from restaurant espressos ;-)


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