#Kids. #Pffft.
So, I see kids going on and on about #Gaming #Systems; #Anime, #Manga ...
These things are considered #entertainment.
These things are also a massive drain on their cash.
Nothing is actually #achieved.
They play and then the game is over.
Or they read the comic and toss it into a pile.
I have some alternative entertainment suggestions.
Please add others that you think of as #comments.
Alternatives to games and comics.
- Learn to PROGRAM Games. You get to Play, while you create.
- Learn #Krita, #Blender, #Gimp and/or #Inkscape. You can enjoy Amime, by creating it.
- Learn to #prep (There is a lot to learn).
- Learn to #shoot.
- Learn to #hunt.
- Learn to #garden.
If you have A LOT of time on your hands, build a #Log #Cabin.
ALL OF THE ABOVE Can be entertaining, if you want it to.
Well, I can't speak to the cabin, but you get my meaning.
The bottom line:
Games and #Comic Books are merely an outflow of your cash and energy;
and a personalized Roman Colosseum (the better to distract you with).
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