📢Am Weltflüchtlingstag laden wir Euch & Eure Gruppen ein, Aktionen gegen #Frontex & das mörderische #EU-Grenzregime zu organisieren oder unsere Forderung #AbolishFrontex in bereits geplante Aktionen zu integrieren.

Join us: 20. Juni [En/Fr/It/Ar/De]⤵️

JOIN THE ABOLISH FRONTEX<br>INTERNATIONAL ACTION DAY  JUNE</p><p>A day of decentralized dirct actions to<br>amplify our voices</p><p>A day to stand up for international solidarity and to raise our voices against dhe banalization of xenophobic speeches and the ris of structural racism.</p><p>STOP THE WAR ON MIGRANTS</p><p>Your nations can not contain us</p><p>Abolish Frontex


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