The problem with payback is, payback the way it's being done right now is a war crime and there's no way to justify a war crime never, ever. If I ever hear anybody say "we get to do this because of what happened to us", I say you've lost all moral authority at that point in time. A war crime is never justified. And professionals should know this.

[The show host asks] But what specifically what specifically is the war crime Scott? Calling people animals?

Collective punishment is the war crime. No ifs ands or butts. They are bombing the living shit out of two million people. They are slaughtering innocents *and they know this*. Look Arkady, I don't know what you did in the Israeli military. I don't know what it was. I worked with Israeli intelligence and I have a lot of respect for the professionalism of them. I will tell you right now that they know damn well that Hamas ain't occupying the sixth floor of the apartment building that they occupied back before this conflict was. They know that Hamas went underground, they know that Hamas isn't teaching a class in the university and yet they blew up the university they leveled it, they leveled the apartment blocks and they're killing thousands of people, hundreds of children, as part of collective punishment. They are trying to create the conditions to compel a million Gazans to flee North Gaza so that Israel can move in. It's a war crime. It's a war crime, plain and simple, no if ands or butts. But nobody is talking about it because it's payback.

--- Scott Ritter,

#ScottRitter #CollectivePunishment #Gaza #Palestine #Israel

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