Indian news outlets report that #Qatar has charged 8 ex-Indian navy officers with spying on the country’s military for #Israel.

#India’s hyper-nationalist media outlets like Republic and Times Now have been uncharacteristically muted on the story.

After months of denial, Indian news outlets now report that eight ex-Indian Navy officers have been charged by Qatar with spying for Israel.

Multiple Indian news outlets — including The Tribune and The Print — now report that the men as well as several Qatari nationals have been charged with spying for Israel. The charges have not been formally made public. And these claims have not been confirmed by the Indian or Qatari governments or third parties willing to speak on the record. But the prolonged nature of the detention of these men and a shift in Indian news coverage of the story give weight to the espionage angle.
If the men were arrested in #Pakistan, there would be wall-to-wall coverage with anchors like Arnab Goswami shouting at the top of their lungs.

#Espionage #Politics

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