The wealthy want you to think that poverty causes crime ("because the poor are stupid and immoral"). This is a lie they tell to protect themselves. Historically it is the wealthy -- specifically, the gap between themselves and the poor -- that causes crime.

The shocking driver of crime in America

By Thom Hartmann

FTA: ... Poverty doesn’t cause the societal disintegration that leads to most crime, it turns out: inequality does. And America is now, far and away, the most unequal developed country in the entire world.

While billionaires who pay less in federal income tax rates than you do blast themselves into space on giant penis-shaped rockets, the majority of Americans are struggling to get by. I say “the majority” because a decade ago the number of Americans who could call themselves “middle class” slipped below 50% for the first time since the Eisenhower era.

#Crime ##Poverty #Inequality #Fascism