I'm getting so fucking annoyed by the local propaganda unit I'm literally having heart palpitations 😬 if they just published actual facts even if I didn't want to see those facts I don't care it is when they publish out right propaganda that makes my blood boil.

I got so angry I wrote another letter for what it's worth 🤔

Dear stuff.

You ran an article proudly proclaiming your organisation reports facts then you run a story like this.


This article is not fact based and reading it I don't believe this has come from a trusted source unless you mean trusted to produce mid rate propaganda.

The world is heading towards a nuclear confrontation and the most important thing a alleged news outlet could do is print the truth and known facts.

I suspect your organisation must be paid quite well to publish this stuff to overcome the embarrassment you must feel to put it under your name.

If you want facts, how about this one. Joe Biden threatens the end of nord stream


Or Condleza Rice


Or this one with Victoria Nuland.


As a real journalist Gonzalo lira says Putin has a tap, lefty loosy righty tighty. At the moment it's righty tighty so no gas, if the Germans capitulate and wanted their life and economy back then by negotiating they could have lefty loosy.

Who you do think has the motive and the means to commit this act of terror?

These are facts just like the 14000 mostly Russian speaking people the Ukrainian military killed by indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in the last 8 years.

Your organisation talks so much about history and historical injustice yet you are deliberately blind to history and injustice if it gets in the way of your grand narrative.

Evil reigns when good men stay silent so when you actively support a military agenda that can only end in mass death either through nuclear war or genocide what does that make you?

I am sick of writing these letters and I'm sure you are sick of receiving them but I look to people like Archibald Baxter, Sophie Scholl and Rosa Luxembourg for my inspiration to continue. Who are your hero's?

#WW3 #propaganda #manipulation #politics #power