And now for the all-important story about a show cancelled bloody years ago.

One of the most annoying cancellations of all, IMHO. But it seems it wasn't exactly cancelled, but rather planned to move to one or more TV movies. Though I would say they must have felt some uncertainty about this because the writing quality noticeably declined in the second half of the final season, and the last episode is just plain bad and should not be watched.

The particularly annoying thing about this one... well there are two. First it was good solid light entertainment and never pretended to be anything else. I don't need to be put through an emotional wringer every time I turn on the TV, and light entertainment isn't a lesser genre. And they replaced it with the drivel of bleakness porn that was Stargate Universe, which was just aaauuurrrgh.

Second they had many potential avenues to finish off. One or preferably two seasons would have done nicely, and then they should have stopped. It's okay to just end this. The Stargate universe was potentially expandable but you need a clean break - after the end the Goauld, SG1 should have ended and any exploration in the same setting should have been a brand new show with a new crew.

There, rant over, world put to rights.


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