

Unpopular opinion : Dune part 3 will be nothing but misery porn and not worth bothering with. I liked the Paul-as-basically-a-hero vibe of the first book much more.

I know, I know, shoot me now.

Nevertheless, this detailed breakdown of the sandworm-riding scene is well worth watching. Turns out that Abu Dhabi had the wrong kind of dunes so they build their own.



Wenn ich so von ganz weit oben die globale Entwicklung der #Menschheit betrachte, ist das einfach ein desaströser Mix aus vielen existierenden SciFi-Filmen.
  • Allgemeine Verblödung wie in Idiocracy.
  • Entwicklung "künstlicher Intelligenz" und autonomer Systeme, die letztlich die Weltherrschaft übernehmen, wie in Terminator
  • Verzweifelte Rettungsversuche der irdischen Biosphäre wie in Silent Running (von 1972!)

Das sind jetzt nur mal drei Beispiele für dystopische Szenarien, die uns tatsächlich drohen.
Hat jemand noch weitere Vorschläge?

#SciFi #Dystopie #Realität


Just saw Dune part two in IMAX. Five stars from me, but it's so loud and so visceral that it's a physically exhausting film. It's like a punch to the face, but somehow in a good way.



And with this final section at last restored, I pronounce my website back to full functionality. Probably more than 99% of the original content is now accessible again. I also cleaned up the main page and replaced the navigation widgets with more useful conventional links to all the sub-pages in each section. No doubt there are still one or two broken links but there won't be many. There's still some behind-the-scenes stuff that needs tidying up, but nothing that should affect the actual site.

Anyway, this particular section covers all of my #art projects, back from the days when I had time to do such things : Orion-drive nuclear spaceships, various #scifi projects, #space themed illustrations and charts, and various other stuff.

