The Ontario Liberals released their budget a while ago, which basically is their election platform. The Ontario NDP released its costed election platform a short while ago as well. Both parties pledge deficits for the next five years.

Note that the deficits which Wynne pledges are higher than the deficits which the NDP pledge. Wynne pledges $29.4 billion in deficits over five years while the NDP pledge $18.1 billion over the same time period. The scattershot platform (from their budget) of the Liberals is more expensive because it tries to both appease the corporate business sector and appease the underserved public; thus they end up spending more and failing at both. The NDP platform is responsible and prudent, and it effectively addresses the shortcomings of health care and returns Hydro One to public ownership where it belongs.

#onpoli #Ontario #Canada #Wynne #Horwath #election #politics #NDP

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