


From Sarah Hoffman's tribute to #Rachel_Notley, soon to be past leader of the #Alberta #NDP

"This evening, Rachel Notley will make her final speech as Leader of the Alberta NDP. I have been honoured to work alongside her for 16 years, since she was first elected in a caucus of two. I was the Research Director and Rachel loved research. In 2010, Rachel and Lou supported me when I ran for the Edmonton Public School Board on a platform to keep neighbourhood schools open.

But it was 2015 when I got to know Rachel on a different level. Rachel became Alberta’s first NDP Premier and made me her Minister of Health and later, her Deputy Premier and Deputy Leader. I am honoured by the trust she put in me.

I am incredibly proud of what we achieved during our four-year term in government. The last coal-fired power station went offline in Alberta this week: that was because of us. Hundreds of thousands of students are studying in the schools we built and renovated. The Castle Provincial Park is a lasting legacy of the Notley Government, to be enjoyed by generations to come.

We were a different kind of government. We raised minimum wage. We protected 2SLGBTQ+ kids. We cut child poverty in half:something that Rachel is particularly proud of. We invested in public health care and stopped attempts to privatize it further. We built the new Calgary Cancer Centre, a new emergency room at the Misericordia Hospital in Edmonton, opened urgent care centres in Sylvan Lake and Airdrie. We built the first public long-term care facilities in a generation.

It was exhilarating to be part of the team that Rachel built. Our leadership on climate attracted investment in wind and solar energy, the kind of investment that is being chased away by the current government. We piloted affordable childcare before the federal government decided to support it. Five Alberta First Nations could finally stop boiling their water and the Lubicon Lake Nation finally achieved an agreement and land-base.

Whether she was in government or opposition, Rachel has always put the interests of Albertans first. We will miss her leadership. Our job now is to build on her legacy by focusing on bold, NDP policies, that will help us win in 2027."


#Canada, #NDP #GLBI #UBIWorks

'Hi Chris --
The word is in, and Leah's private member's bill for a guaranteed livable basic income (GLBI), Bill C-223, is fast approaching second reading in the House of Commons. It's time to make some noise and raise awareness about GLBI.
Here's her petition site address.

And you can ask your friends to sign the original UBI petition in support of the bill. Please help us boost the word so we can make basic income a reality in Canada!' https://www.ubiworks.ca/guaranteed-livable-basic-income.


Man könnte zum Beispiel über die Figur des Vordenkers Aleksandr #Dugin nachdenken. Eine Art Ideologe der Linie oder „Vision“ des Kremls. Dugin hat den Spitznamen „Putins Rasputin“ erhalten, und das nicht nur wegen seiner Ähnlichkeit mit dem russischen Mystiker, dem privaten Berater der Romanows und einer sehr einflussreichen Figur unter Nikolaus II. von #Russland.
Dugin schrieb das Strategiehandbuch, das Putins #Außenpolitik prägte. Eine Strategie, die vor einigen Jahren vorgestellt wurde. Dugin war nicht nur Berater von Duma-Abgeordneten und #Putin, sondern auch Gründer und Mitglied der Bolschewistischen nationalen Partei, der Bolschewistischen nationalen Front und der Eurasischen Partei. Sinnbildlich ist der von ihm geprägte Slogan: „Russland ist alles, der Rest ist nichts!“. Das von Dugin selbst entworfene Symbol des Nationalbolschewismus weist merkwürdigerweise mehrere Bezüge zur #Geschichte der #Nazi -Symbolik auf. Auch ist es eine Tatsache, dass der Nationalbolschewismus prekäre Ähnlichkeiten zum Programm der #NSDAP aufweist.

https://www.volksverpetzer.de/recherche-afd/dugin-putin-nazi/ #trump #bannon #stalin #ndp #dvu #geopolitik #schirinowski #neuerechte #krieg #eurasien #ukraine #althans #afd #ochsenreiter #sellner #iran #serbia #ib



The Ontario Liberals released their budget a while ago, which basically is their election platform. The Ontario NDP released its costed election platform a short while ago as well. Both parties pledge deficits for the next five years.

Note that the deficits which Wynne pledges are higher than the deficits which the NDP pledge. Wynne pledges $29.4 billion in deficits over five years while the NDP pledge $18.1 billion over the same time period. The scattershot platform (from their budget) of the Liberals is more expensive because it tries to both appease the corporate business sector and appease the underserved public; thus they end up spending more and failing at both. The NDP platform is responsible and prudent, and it effectively addresses the shortcomings of health care and returns Hydro One to public ownership where it belongs.

#onpoli #Ontario #Canada #Wynne #Horwath #election #politics #NDP


This is fabulous. There had been some worry that after the budget the Liberals were deigned to become the de facto alternative to the PCs. But, the NDP has not dropped. People are still tentative, but they certainly have not ruled out the NDP. And they're clearly not happy with the Liberals. I see the NDP becoming the main alternative. So, it will be social democracy versus right-wing pro-business capitalism (which, frankly, is what Wynne's Libs are, and people are tired of them trying to appear otherwise --> move aside and let two honest visions compete). Let the Libs drop further and the NDP gain. Once this happens, Ford's numbers will shrink to the NDP, when those who see a real opportunity arise to change things for the better.

#NDP #Ontario #Canada #politics #onpoli