[l] Wie schlimm ist die Lage? So schlimm: Huawei-Chef schickt intern ein apokalyptisches Memo herum.

“The next decade will be a very painful historical period, as the global economy continues to decline,” Ren said, pointing to the pandemic as well as the impact of the Ukraine war and a “continued blockade” by the US on some Chinese business.

“Huawei must reduce any overly optimistic expectations for the future and until 2023 or even 2025, we must make survival the most important guideline, and not only survive but survive with quality.”


“In the past, we embraced the ideal of globalisation and aspired to serve all mankind, so what is our ideal now?” wrote Ren.

“Survive and earn a little money where we can. From this point of view, we need to adjust the market structure and study what can be done and what should be abandoned.”

#fefebot #huawei

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