'Where are the adults?': Mary Trump calls out GOP for letting her uncle continue to endanger the public

"It was quite disturbing but not surprising as is often the case with Donald," she replied before adding, "To see that he was willing to hold a rally not only in the middle of COVID, but a state being pummeled by the coronavirus, a state that, as far as I last checked, had no ICU beds left."

"It speaks to his bottomless need for attention, complete willingness to put other people at risk to feed his narcissistic needs," she continued. "These aren't just people going to a rally. they are being asked to put themselves and others at risk to attend. I don't believe there were any masks in the crowd. where are the adults who were saying, 'no, we cannot allow this to happen?' This happens in the Republican Party a lot. It started with the Tea Party; they pander to the most extreme elements among them thinking that they control them and then see they lose control because not only will they not get the vaccine even if he tells them to, they're booing him for it."
