The United Nations has decried the death in custody of Mahsa Amini after she was arrested by Iran's "morality police" and the violent crackdown on the protests over her death.

5he situation is is going from bad to worse.

Reisi who pushed for his Taliban style breakdown on "immoral" behavior after his election, let loose the mad dogs of moral patrol or sharia police all over the country.

His goal was to break the spirit of women who were using the little freedom they had received under previous "moderate" president to show that IRI is based on 7th century mindset in regards to women's rights.

But unlike their progress in the 80s and 90s, women are no longer willing to give in and accept to be treated like subjects and fighting back.

This is the spirit of Iranian women who shown they are much stronger and fearless than and are now leasing the massive protests across the country.

I'm not sure what the outcome wi be, but in the current situation in the country, it just moving toward a collapse of the regime, at least in some areas of yhe country.

#iran #politics #protest #policebrutality #reisi #womensrights

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