

#arabs #iran #iraq
Hopefully, the large, rich and powerful Arab World can rein in Iran.
**Gulf states, vulnerable but influential, seek to stop new Iran-Israel war

  • Iran and Turkey are not Arab countries and their primary languages are Farsi and Turkish respectively. Arab countries have a rich diversity of ethnic, linguistic, and religious communities. These include Kurds, Armenians, Berbers and others. There are over 300 million Arabs.

A book in #India and also in #Kashmir published by the government of India for 6th graders just mentioned #Khomeini one of the most evil persons in history.

People I n Kashmir and some other parts of India have been protesting while carrying the pictures of #Khomeini.

It's just sad to see these people are more upset about a provocation by the Indian government to put Khomeini by the side of people like Hitler or Gingiz Khan. He was an evil man, no doubt about it, but in the global terms he wouldn't even get close to monsters like #Kissinger or king #Leopold.

These same people have been so damn quiet about the ongoing #genocide in #Gaza or #Sudan
Videos available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2057?single
#Politics #Iran


Isfahan Revolutionary Court sentenced Tomaj Salehi to death

#Amir_Raisian, a lawyer, in a conversation with "Shabeke Sharq" announced that "in an unprecedented action, the Revolutionary Court did not implement the ruling of the Supreme Court regarding the case of Tomaj Salehi in 1401, and by reading this ruling as a guideline and emphasizing the independence of the lower court, #Tomaj_Salehi He was sentenced to the worst punishment, death, on the charge of corruption in the land.

• According to Raisian, "Isfahan Revolutionary Court has considered the accusations of aiding in sedition, assembly and collusion, propaganda against the system and calling for chaos to be examples of corruption in the world." This is despite the fact that earlier the same branch had not confirmed the extent of the accusation of corruption in the land.

Raisian emphasized: "We will certainly protest against the sentence issued for Tomaj Salehi."

(Auto translated without correction).

#iran #humanrights #DeathPenalty #TomajSalehi #IRI

دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان توماج صالحی را به اعدام محکوم کرد

•#امیررئیسیان وکیل دادگستری در گفتگو با «شبکه شرق» اعلام کرد که «دادگاه انقلاب در اقدامی بی‌سابقه، حکم دیوان عالی کشور درباره پرونده سال ۱۴۰۱ توماج صالحی را اجرایی نکرد و با ارشادی خواندن این حکم و تاکید بر استقلال دادگاه بدوی، #توماجصالحی را به اتهام افساد فی‌الارض، به اشد مجازات یعنی اعدام محکوم شد.»

•به گفته رئیسیان، «دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان، اتهامات معاونت در بغی، اجتماع و تبانی، تبلیغ علیه نظام و دعوت به آشوب را از مصادیق افساد فی‌الارض دانسته است. این در حالی است که پیش‌تر همین شعبه گستردگی اتهام افساد فی‌الارض را احراز نکرده بود.»

رئیسیان تاکید کرد: «حتما به حکم صادره برای توماج صالحی اعتراض خواهیم کرد.»
Iranian rapper Tomaj Salehi was sentenced to death by IRI.

#Amir Raisian #Tomaj Salehi


Isfahan Revolutionary Court sentenced Tomaj Salehi to death

#Amir_Raisian, a lawyer, in a conversation with "Shabeke Sharq" announced that "in an unprecedented action, the Revolutionary Court did not implement the ruling of the Supreme Court regarding the case of Tomaj Salehi in 1401, and by reading this ruling as a guideline and emphasizing the independence of the lower court, #Tomaj_Salehi He was sentenced to the worst punishment, death, on the charge of corruption in the land.

• According to Raisian, "Isfahan Revolutionary Court has considered the accusations of aiding in sedition, assembly and collusion, propaganda against the system and calling for chaos to be examples of corruption in the world." This is despite the fact that earlier the same branch had not confirmed the extent of the accusation of corruption in the land.

Raisian emphasized: "We will certainly protest against the sentence issued for Tomaj Salehi."

(Auto translated without correction).

#iran #humanrights #DeathPenalty #TomajSalehi #IRI

دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان توماج صالحی را به اعدام محکوم کرد

•#امیررئیسیان وکیل دادگستری در گفتگو با «شبکه شرق» اعلام کرد که «دادگاه انقلاب در اقدامی بی‌سابقه، حکم دیوان عالی کشور درباره پرونده سال ۱۴۰۱ توماج صالحی را اجرایی نکرد و با ارشادی خواندن این حکم و تاکید بر استقلال دادگاه بدوی، #توماجصالحی را به اتهام افساد فی‌الارض، به اشد مجازات یعنی اعدام محکوم شد.»

•به گفته رئیسیان، «دادگاه انقلاب اصفهان، اتهامات معاونت در بغی، اجتماع و تبانی، تبلیغ علیه نظام و دعوت به آشوب را از مصادیق افساد فی‌الارض دانسته است. این در حالی است که پیش‌تر همین شعبه گستردگی اتهام افساد فی‌الارض را احراز نکرده بود.»

رئیسیان تاکید کرد: «حتما به حکم صادره برای توماج صالحی اعتراض خواهیم کرد.»


The Media Lens Chamber Of Propaganda Horrors – An Appeal For Support

Media Lens

Tourists visiting Spanish cities like Córdoba, Toledo and Sevilla have the option of whiling away an hour or so at a ‘Museum of the Inquisition’, sometimes known as a ‘Gallery of Torture’. For around three euros, visitors can view an exotic range of devices used to impale, immolate, strangle and dismember human beings in the name of God.

It’s tempting to reassure ourselves that these are relics of a far-distant past, horrors that could never happen now.

(Text continues underneath the illustration.)

Illustration depicting burning at the stake

But did the Dark Ages ever really end? Noam Chomsky commented:

‘Part of the tragedy of the Palestinians is that they have essentially no international support. For a good reason – they don’t have wealth, they don’t have power. So they don’t have rights. It’s the way the world works – your rights correspond to your power and your wealth.’

It is indeed the way the world works. It is also the way the medieval world worked. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #news #propaganda #censorship #corporate_media #gaza #israel #iran #palestine #palestinians #russia #ukraine #news #media #news_media #journalism #journalist


In het Midden-Oosten blijft de afgrond binnen schootsbereik

Carolien Roelants (NRC)

De eerste directe gevechtsronde tussen Israël en Iran is voorlopig klaar. Al dan niet onder Amerikaanse druk hebben beide besloten dat oorlog niet in hun belang is. Maar de afgrond blijft wél binnen schootsbereik. Wat me de afgelopen crisis opviel: het oorverdovende westerse koor van veroordelingen van de Iraanse drone- en raketaanval op Israël van 13 april. Tegenover het zo goed als totale stilzwijgen over de aanleiding daartoe, de Israëlische aanval op 1 april op het Iraanse consulaat in Damascus en de generaals daarbinnen die een provocerende escalatie vormde van de jarenlange onderlinge schaduwoorlog. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Carolien Roelants
Carolien Roelants

Die nieuwe [sancties tegen Iran] zijn onder andere gericht tegen het Iraanse wapenprogramma en ook, zo lees ik, bedoeld om de islamitische republiek te isoleren op het wereldtoneel.

Dat laatste is niet zozeer gericht op Irans vrienden Rusland en China in de nieuwe ‘As van het Kwaad’, maar op de Arabische buren, met name Saoedi-Arabië en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, die de afgelopen paar jaar hun betrekkingen met Iran hebben hersteld. Amerika maakt er geen geheim van er juist op te zijn gebrand een militaire alliantie te smeden met Israël en deze landen tégen Iran. Hoewel de Emiraten normale relaties onderhouden met Israël en de Saoedische kroonprins die best wil, blijven ze mede uit angst voor Iraanse raketten (denk 2019, de Iraanse aanval op Aramco) huiverig voor militaire samenwerking. (...)

Kunnen Arabische leiders, hoe autoritair ook, het zich permitteren de zeer anti-Israëlische volksopinie te tarten door zich openlijk met Israël te alliëren? (...) De Gaza-oorlog is nog lang niet voorbij, en Al Jazeera toont ook sprekende beelden van toenemende Israëlische onderdrukking op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever. Niet voor niets maken Saoedische media zich grote zorgen over pro-Palestijns protest in Jordanië: „Een directe bedreiging van Saoedi-Arabiës eigen veiligheid”, aldus de Saoedische Arab News.

Iran of Israël? Het eigen overleven gaat altijd voor.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #israel #iran #vs #verenigde_staten #sancties #gaza #palestina #palestijnen #midden-oosten #militaire_alliantie


Holding of #Hezardaf_festival in Palengan, Kurdistan

The "Hazar Daf" (Thousands of Daf-iranian drum) ceremony was held on Friday evening (April 19,)2024 with the presence of a large number of people and Daf players from all over the country in the touristic and historical village of #Palangan in #Kurdistan province.

• In this mystic ritual, the tambourists, standing on the roofs of the terraced houses of the village and playing the tambourine, sing the mystical sound of birth.

According to Mustafa Fatemi, Director General of the Tourism Development Office of the Ministry of #Cultural Heritage, the case of Palengan Kurdistan and seven other villages will be sent to the World Tourism Organization for selection as a global village.

Video available for those interested: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2015

#Iran #Music #Drums #Festival #Culture


#Narges_Mohammadi wrote in a short note about women's struggle against #forced_hijab from #Evin prison:

"Iranian women's struggle against the compulsory hijab is not just a struggle for the right to cover, and the government's struggle with women is not for a religious duty.

Both Iranian women and the regime of the Islamic Republic are both aware that the problem is the failure of religious tyranny.

Mandatory hijab for women is like surrendering to illegitimate government domination and usurpation, and for the government, it is a tool and possibility for the continuation of domination and the survival of power.

The wide scope and dimensions of this conflict and confrontation did not stop at the borders of women's rights, but it has targeted the power structure.

The return of guided patrols, the presence of the police force in uniform and its officers and guards and privates in the streets and the intensity of violence in public, is an action by the government to create terror and in the same proportion, the resistance of women and the increase of the government's attacks. It shows the power and authority of the protesters."
(Auto translated, not cleaned)
#Iran #womensrights #Pooitics
🟣#نرگسمحمدی در یادداشت کوتاهی درباره مبارزه زنان با #حجاباجباری از زندان اوین نوشت:

«مبارزه زنان ایران علیه حجاب اجباری، صرفا مبارزه برای حق پوشش نیست و ستیز حکومت با زنان هم برای یک فریضه دینی نیست.

هم زنان ایران و هم رژیم جمهوری اسلامی هر دو آگاهند که مساله، شکست استبداد دینی است.

حجاب اجباری برای زنان به مثابه تسلیم شدن در مقابل سلطه‌گری و استیلای حکومتی نامشروع و برای حکومت ابزار و امکانی برای تداوم سلطه‌گری و بقای قدرت است.

دامنه و ابعاد گسترده این ستیز و رویارویی در مرزهای حقوق زنان متوقف نشده بلکه ساختار قدرت را نشانه رفته است.

بازگشت دوباره گشت‌های ارشاد، حضور نیروی انتظامی با یونیفرم و درجه‌دارانش و گارد و لباس شخصی‌ها به خیابان‌ها و شدت خشونت اعمال شده در انظار عمومی، اقدامی از سوی حکومت برای ایجاد رعب و وحشت است و به همان نسبت، مقاومت زنان و افزایش برخوردهای حکومت، نشان از قدرت و اقتدار معترضان دارد.»


I suppose the Fediverse has noticed the addition of a pro-China South China press thingie posting on here. I'm keeping an eye on it and I'm sure those who follow me have noticed me boosting a toot or two of theirs; that's because I found their take of a given situation or other an anomaly of their usual position on things.

Hanse Mina - 2024-04-24 03:33:52 GMT

The Axis of UpheavalHow #America’s Adversaries Are Uniting to Overturn the Global Order.

The support from #China, #Iran, and North Korea has strengthened #Russia’s position on the battlefield, undermined Western attempts to isolate #Moscow, and harmed #Ukraine.




Nahostexperte sieht mittelfristige Gefahr einer Eskalation

Nahostkonflikt - Mittelfristige Gefahr einer Eskalation

Der Nahostexperte Eckart Woertz befürchtet, der Iran werde sich gegen Israel und auch andere arabische Staaten stellen. Er fordert Härte und Diplomatie.#Israel #Iran #Eskalation
Nahostexperte sieht mittelfristige Gefahr einer Eskalation