The view of an FSB insider on the Russian war in Ukraine

If this is genuine, it's a devastating indictment by an FSB insider of just how bad things are, and will continue to be, for Russia. Amongst many other things, it mentions a "localized nuclear strike", which I'd previously thought about and assumed might involve a single weapon - horrible beyond belief, but survivable by the majority of the population. From what he says about the 'big red button', a single nuclear weapon might be the worse-case scenario but probably won't happen at all.

I'm not in a position to verify anything in this thread, and since I don't have a Facebook account, I can neither view nor verify the version on Facebook, linked to from the last post in the thread. For all I know, it could be total misinformation.

I haven't had time to go down my D* feed for today, so it's possible that someone else has posted about this. If anyone else knows anything, please add a comment.

1. The FSB is the Russian intelligence service, successor to the KGB.)
2. Igor Sushko, the guy who posted the thread, is the translator of the FSB document, not the originator. He doesn't say who the originator is, and that information might not be available.

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